Page 11 of Curse of the Shadow

“What happened? What does all of this mean?” I ask.

I see the Headmaster waver as her strong persona seems to diminish. The body of Matt is placed in a black bag and then wheeled off, like this wasn’t such a disastrous moment. A man’s life was taken and for what? Who could have done this? Why was I somehow linked to this murder? There were so many questions I had, but all I wanted to do was run back to my home. Away from this place and pretend as though I was a normal girl and not some freakish Supernatural where murder and death was a common theme.

She rubs the bridge of her nose and I can see anguish rolling off of her in waves. “I have a theory, but until I’m certain, I won’t say. Farrah, please trust us that we are handling this. I’ve — well, you will find out eventually, but for now, I will try and have answers for you in the morning. Until then, head to your dorm rooms. The academy will be on lock down.”

Headmaster Patricia rushes off, her long hair flowing in the breeze created by her quick departure.

“I don’t like this,” Candi grumbles next to me. “It’s too much of a coincidence that these newpeople,” she sayspeopleas if the words disgusts her, “arrive and now we are back to being attacked again.”

“Shhh. Don’t say anything else here,” I warn.

“Text the group and let them know to meet up in my room. We need to talk,” I say to Kindle, before turning and walking away.

Chapter 8

Pacingaroundtheroom,I bite my bottom lip as I impatiently wait for everyone to arrive. Even though classes had already begun, some students still hadn’t arrived back at the academy.

“Will you stop walking in circles? You are making me dizzy just watching you,” Kindle hissed.

I swear, I saw her ears start to morph into sharp points, just like they did when she shifted into her cat form.

Stopping, I stood in the center of the room. “Sorry, I’m just really nervous,” I begin, but then my dorm room bursts open and Stella, Leo, Lily, and Lara rush inside.

Anson jumps from my bed, his wolf emerging on the surface as he goes to defense mode. He’s been on high alert since we made it back to my room. He has good reason to be, but his worry is starting to bubble over to the rest of us.

“Everyone really needs to calm down,” Candi shouted. Even though she looked frantic, I could tell that she was attempting to stabilize all of our emotions. Candi had the ability to read the emotions of those around her. Right now, her senses were probably going insane.

“I heard about what happened,” Leo said, walking in closer to me.

“Yeah, we came as soon as we got your text. The school is on lock down,” Lily intoned.

Lara wrapped an arm around Lily. I hated how soon after their attacks that this was happening. I could only imagine the turmoil and fear this was causing them right now.

“Can everyone just sit down for a minute, I need to talk to you all,” I demanded.

The room grew silent as everyone began to find places to get comfortable in. I very rarely raised my voice or was bossy, so they were all thankfully taking me seriously.

Glancing at Candi, she nodded, giving me her blessing to continue. An unspoken conversation transpired between us and I swear, I felt her providing me with a calm tranquility that I needed to brave this speech.

Clearing my throat, I nervously began, “over the break, I had a strange dream that was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. This was so real — so raw — it was like I was truly living out the horrifying moments. And… Anson was there and a woman who I couldn’t see, but heard. Then, when I arrived back at the academy, Candi informed me that she had gone to meet with a Gullah and they gave her a warning.” I paused as gasps echoed throughout the room. As I finished with the warning, everyone’s eyes grew large and fearful.

“Are you serious?” Lily exclaimed. “How can this school have not just one but now two deadly occurrences?”

Her question was valid and something that I, too, had been wondering myself.

“This place truly is cursed,” Lara mumbled.

Fumes were pouring from Stella as her Dragon seemed to claw its way to the surface. The gray, thick smoke billowed around the room causing Leo and Anson to cough.

“Look, I know this isn’t news anyone wants to hear, but after what just happened in the courtyard… I thought we all needed to be made aware of everything,” I stated, bringing all of the attention back to me.

“Well, if we learned anything from the last deadly disaster, we need to work together and make a plan,” Leo cut in, offering sound advice.

The room grew heavy as the weight of his words piled on top of us. Making a plan and working together meant using magic and fighting off evil. It meant putting ourselves in danger and the possibility of more lives being lost.

“Before we jump into anything, we need to find out what the Supernatural Investigators find. This is different. The Dark Evil Witch took lives but this person or thing is bringing death to our doorstep,” Anson grumbled.

I caught a glimpse of Lily and Lara shuddering and I wanted to desperately cross the room and hug them. However, I stayed in place as I wasn’t sure my now wobbly legs would move without me falling over.