She tried to absorb what he was telling her. The first thought was, she was truly free and the second was that Zeven hadn’t abandoned her. She’d blamed him for all that had happened and apparently so had he. They were both wrong. He’d been as much a victim as she’d been. He’d lost just as much as she had.

“Zeven, it’s all in the past now.”

His glittering gaze met hers and held. Then his tense jaw eased and nodded in slow motion, accepting her forgiveness.

He leaned forward and claimed her lips with a gentle joining. Just as she had been that first night in the desert, she was once again amazed by this softer almost tentative side. Thank God he still had that in him. At first, she’d been sure he was nothing but hard edges and that the boyish grin she’d fallen in love with was lost forever.

His lips against hers were slow decadence. The kiss began chaste but caught fire at once. This was Zeven, her Zeven. The emotions of their past became an unneeded accelerant. Lips parted and the flames erupted between them immediately. This is what they wanted. They both needed this touch between them that was undeniable. She met his open-mouth demand, chasing him back fiercely. She tried to pour her acceptance into every touch, into every motion, releasing the bed and grabbing his shoulders.

The decade they’d spent apart disappeared. The days flowed away, as if they’d never been and they once more found themselves new lovers with a hunger for the possibilities. If she could love him, if he could love her, if they could find a way to be together… Then maybe, just maybe, they’d be able to build the perfect future, that place where they could be free to be together. A place where it didn’t matter what he was or how they were different. Hope was such a fragile thing. So much could go wrong, so much could tear them apart, but those fears were not between them now.

The only thing between them for this moment in this place was an undeniable need, bordering on desperation. The connection between them exploded. She tightened her embrace, devouring his kiss and wrapping herself around him.

As her legs tightened, she locked him into the cradle of their junction. The hard heat of his arousal landed against her core. Instinctively her hips jumped at the contact. As much as he was making her feel, what she wanted was for them to become one. She needed him inside her.

But instead of joining them with a single thrust, Zeven drew back and put a breath of space between them once more. “Harley… I need more. I want more than another quick fuck. I have to taste you. I want everything.”

And who was she to deny him? She was about to say as much when he folded himself over and his lips came hotly against her slick cleft. Speech was impossible, breathing almost too much effort to control.

His lips parted her, his tongue laved over her in slow sweeps that left her shuddering. Then he tongued her clit, and she came apart. The orgasm hit fast and hard. She screamed while he growled against her flesh.

But he wasn’t satisfied by far. Zeven settled more firmly between her thighs, his arms came up under her knees and opened her more fully. His fingers teased her entrance dipping in even while his tongue danced back over her swollen clit.

She fisted her hands in the sheets to keep from reaching for him, to keep from dragging him up her body and bringing the foreplay to an end. She needed him, but somehow, she knew he needed this.

“Ah, Harley…You are my everything.”

She heard his voice in her mind. She was sure he hadn’t spoken aloud. He sounded different and yet the same. Almost as if they were touching somewhere deep inside. “Did I just hear your thoughts?”

He paused in his play.“Can you hear me?”

“I can, but how?”

“I don’t know. But I love that you can.”Then his eyes met hers over her body. The depths shone bright in some revelation, and then in a flash turned dark and shockingly intense. Like a dragon over its hoard. Dominant, confident.“Harley, my lover… You’re my mate.”

Chapter Twelve

D knew it without a hint of doubt. He was an idiot. Just like the sun and moon, it was a fact. That was the only reason he could imagine why he'd felt the need to take his eyes off of his mission in order to take a cruise through suburbia.

Even now, parked just a couple blocks away, he couldn't shake the weird urge to seek that man out.

It had been nearly eighty years, and he didn't have a single connection to the damn murdering bastard but none of that mattered to his wolf. To that other side of his spirit, only one thing mattered, and it wasn't going to be denied.

Fine, fine. He'd confront that one soon enough. But only after he'd done his job and completed the mission that had brought him to Las Vegas in the first place. It wasn't as if he'd forget a scent once he'd found it. Ten hours tops and he'd be back to beat some sense into...

He rubbed his face roughly with one hand and then started the car back up.

Priorities. Yeah, he had to catch a baby vamp before it turned into a blood thirsty monster. Time was not on his side. Whatever was happening inside that house would have to wait. He had a porn studio to crash and an actress to lead back to the light. Though hopefully it wouldn't be into the daylight.

Unlike some of the humans who he sometimes had to work with, he and Quinn at least tried to reason with the monsters they chased. Just being a vampire shouldn't be reason enough for an execution order. Being saved and raised by one might have colored his opinion a little. Not that many of the vampires turned out much like Quinn, but knowing the possibility existed meant taking a little longer to judge the targets he was sent to find.

He guided the sedan through the light early evening traffic. The shady little studio wasn't far away. He didn't need to check the address. As he pulled up to the third in a row of run-down houses, he easily recognized the place. Even the hastily thrown together file had been plenty detailed enough thanks to their newly hired backup staff. She'd only been with them a few months but was already proving to be indispensable.

Though he wasn't going to say that aloud. Especially since he'd objected so strongly to having anyone join him and Quinn in Division Eight. No way was he going to admit the gangly awkward nerd was useful. At least not to her face. Just the week before, he'd conceded the battle to Quinn. The girl had proven herself over and over already.

With the car parked, he approached the house directly. The scent of the place was overwhelming. Blood and a lot of it. But also, the smell of death and the odd spicy scent of vampire.

He checked the sheathed knives at his back and his pistol at his hip. All the intel had indicated that the vampire who had landed here had already moved on. From the swirling scents, he figured it was true.