Harley caught the short ends of his hair. “Zeven, you maybe can do this forever, but I need you, I need more.” The command was gasped out on panting breath as she trembled with the echoes of the last orgasm.

And how could he turn down a request like that? He couldn’t. “Coming, my lover, my mate.”He crawled back up her body, moving with a slow dominance she couldn’t miss.

Her hands caught at him encouraging speed which he intended to refuse.

Lacing his fingers through hers, he pinned her deliciously to the bed and continued his sensual torment. He ached to sink into her heat and ride them both to completion, but instead he loved her by increments, sliding his body over hers, caressing her with the air between them. With his mouth, he danced over her lips, drawing out the kiss so that every breath became part of the moment. Finally, he dipped his hips, sliding the head of his cock over her slick folds and at the same time licking over her parted lips.

She bucked under him.“Ah…Zeven!”With her mental cry, she released her need through their connection. The depth of her passion drowned him. There would be no more delay, no denying her demands.

Bringing their lips together, he kissed her, meeting the desire head on. With a roll of hips, he brought them together completely in one long deep stroke. His heart slammed through three beats before he regained control enough to go slowly. He forced his body to keep to the patient rhythm. Gradually he built the pleasure between them, focusing on her, holding back his own.

On and on, he loved her until all that existed was movement and fire. Then the beauty of her orgasm broke through him, taking them both into that shattering satisfaction.

Time slid away while they regained contact with the world. He rolled and pulled Harley over him, holding her safe in his arms. Eventually their ragged breath and racing heartbeats slowed.

Harley snuggled against his warm body. His body temperature was higher than her own by a few degrees. Between the house’s cooling system and their skin damp from sweat, his heat felt damn good.

And now, at least she could understand why Zeven had insisted they stay and talk things out. It might have been against every single instinct, but he was right. They needed this short reprieve to reconnect. Her mind might not think it was worth the risk, but her heart had sided with him.

His arms tightened in a gentle hug before easing again to continue to just hold her.

There was so much she wanted to ask him. At the same time, she didn’t want to interrupt the warm comfortable peace that they had right now. No, that wasn’t right either. She knew exactly how precarious their time was. If she wanted to enjoy a short respite, then she wanted to get as much out of it as possible since it could all be torn away in an instant.



She tried to think about how to use the new ability to speak telepathically. Surely it would work the same way as speaking aloud. Just direct her thoughts toward him instead of opening her mouth.“Zeven…”

“What is it, Harley?”He replied telepathically confirming that it had worked.

“That is so strange. I guess that makes me a telepath. I never knew I had that ability.”

“You’re my mate.”

Maybe he just liked saying that out loud. She didn’t dislike the word either but couldn’t see how it connected to the discussion about her new superhuman ability. “Your mate and a telepath.”

“Not really.”

He wasn’t making much sense. She switched to convincing him by replying telepathically.“I’m talking to you using telepathy. Doesn’t that make me a telepath?”

He chuckled.

She smacked his smooth bare chest. “If I’m wrong, you’d better explain this in a bit more detail.”

His fingers stroked through her short hair. As if to give himself time to put his thoughts in order. “My people—”


“Yes, but Valàfrn is the name of our race. Many of the Valàfrn people take offense at being called werewolves. I don’t really see the insult in the distinction.

So… they were werewolves but not werewolves. That made her wonder how much of her research had even been useful. “Got it. Vala… Valafrarin… No, how did you say it?”

“Vala-frin. Valàfrn.” He’d slowed down how he said the word.

“Okay. Valàfrn, not werewolf.” She was rewarded with a nod before he continued.

“I remember my father telling me stories about our history. It means the people of Vali. That was the name of our first ancestor. He was cursed and had his soul bound to the spirit of a wolf. This curse was very much like what they call werewolves in human stories. He had no control of his body or the wolf when it took control.”