The door wasn’t even closed the whole way, let alone locked. He pushed it inward. The streaming light fell across the stained carpet inside the entrance.

One step inside, he scanned the area. The kitchen to the left was mostly intact. Chairs and table knocked over and the fridge door hung open. To the right... was another story. The staged living room would have been set up for a cute MILF porno. There was folded laundry to one side of a sofa with a ridiculously large dildo laying on top of the stack. And of course, six bloody corpses. Two in torn clothing. The rest were naked men. Or what was left of them.

"Hello. Anyone still alive?" He didn’t expect a response.

If it was the same rogue, following the same patterns, then there would be a final victim somewhere else in the house. One that hadn’t been killed. Or rather hadn’t been allowed to stay dead.

How had their newbie even gathered this intel? He couldn't even guess. But this was the third scene he'd had to deal with so far. Odds were fifty-fifty if he'd made it in time to save the newborn vampire from being initiated into the league of blood crazed murderers. The first one he'd been too late to save. He'd had to kill the teenage boy after catching him draining his little brother. The second one he'd caught in time, but it was still too soon to know if he'd be able to adjust after watching his family being slaughtered by the creature that had force-fed him eternal life.

He moved through the house one room at a time.

According to the intel, this one was a young adult film actress. She was supposedly chained in the basement. Once he'd cleared the second floor, he moved down the narrow stairs to the lowest level. Not surprisingly the area was set up as a low rent sex dungeon. And there she was, tied down on a rubber-covered bed.


He'd been too late. She'd pulled one arm free from her restraints and clawed her own throat out. The evidence told a story of horror. She'd been bitten all over by one or perhaps several vampires. One side of her face was stained with the reddish black blood she'd been force-fed in order to revive her. Only then had she been left here chained and waiting for the hunger driven madness.

D hesitated only a moment over the body.

Yes, he'd been late arriving. A few minutes of which could be attributed to his drive-by in suburbia to check out the hired killer hanging out there. Those minutes wouldn't have saved the girl. She'd been dead for hours.

He dialed the old man's cell.


"Didn't make it in time."

A couple seconds passed before Quinn asked, "Will it be another hunt?" Meaning the baby vamp had gone blood mad and escaped.

"No, she died while still confined. Couldn't take the hunger." He looked over the scene to make sure he wasn't missing anything useful. "I'll clean up this place before I leave. Mind if I take my time coming back? I need a day or two."

A full minute passed before Quinn answered. "Yes, I mind."

"Come on. I'm not asking a lot."

"Settled down. You don't need to rush back but you do need to deal with another situation in your area before you take your time off." He waited only a moment before continuing. "There's a problem with the local Valàfrn clan. I need you to check it out."

"What kind of problem?" He almost expected to hear papers being shuffled while the seconds ticked by. Instead, the comfortable silence stretched out between them.

"I'm not sure exactly. A dead body turned up with a letter to their council asking for help. Unfortunately, the body had been there a while. Since you’re there, go sniff around."

That wasn't exactly the kind of thing they usually handled. Unless... "Was the body human?"

"Yes, seemed like a meter reader. Probably had no reason to be tangled up in any of the Coyote Clan's problems. A little digging showed a pattern of occasional missing people that could have ties to the same clan."

"Got it." He snapped the phone shut. If this was a wolf on human kill, then it fit perfectly in their jurisdiction. Interspecies violence was where their work always focused.

He quickly set the stage for an accidental fire. And then lit it up. There was no point in getting locals involved in a situation like this one. Hell, the vamp may have already moved on. In fact, it probably had. Which would likely lead to more bodies before they could catch the bastard.

Chapter Thirteen

Zeven’s mind swam with the implications. Harley was his mate. Maybe his wolf had always known. Even after she’d fled, he’d never wanted another woman. Always it was Harley his mind sought, and his body ached for.

And now he had her. He ducked back down to her pussy. He had her, to hold, to touch and to taste. And he wasn’t going to waste even a second of it.

He licked her opening, parting the swollen pink flesh. He focused in on the center of her pleasure, homing in on the tempting bud of her clit. He circled it with his tongue until she moaned and arched against him. Then he sucked the morsel, drew on her while he finger-fucked her just enough to push her to another orgasm.

God, he could do this forever. With the feel of her slick muscles clenching around his fingers, her pleasure became his.