“You? You weren’t the one doing all the hard work here.” Chris rotates so he can look at me.

“Keeping you in line is hard work.”

“Did I go off script too much?”

I shake my head. “No, I think that was great. The point is that yoga isn’t all serious and quiet, right? Breaking the mold?”

Warm fingers wrap around my ankle and tug. “You did great. Do you want to close up, and then we can celebrate?”

“Celebrate?” I ask, sitting up. “What did you have in mind?”

He just smirks and gets up, wandering out of the room. I watch him go. I already admired his body before, but seeing those muscles work hard and getting up close to his tattoos kicked it up another level.

Honestly, I don’t know how many more levels I have.

I stand and unplug everything, shutting the cameras off and spending a few minutes closing my laptop down. I’m sure there will be questions and comments for me to handle later, but if Chris wants to celebrate, I won’t say no.

When I leave the studio, Chris is leaning against the kitchen counter, on his phone. Next to him, a chilled bottle of wine is just starting to sweat. He put a shirt on, though it’s sleeveless, and having less of his skin exposed just seems to narrow my focus on his arms.

“Step one, wine. Step two . . .” he pulls the freezer open and pulls out a pint. “Vegan ice cream.”

I gasp. “What a treat.”

I pour while he scoops, and soon, we’re seated next to each other at the island, clinking glasses.

“To Rock Steady,” he says.

“To discovering you are ticklish live on camera.”

Chris smiles and shakes his head. “Please tell me you are ticklish too.”

I just smile and shake my head.

He mutters a curse in German, and my phone vibrates on the counter. I’d left it here while recording, so I haven’t checked it in a while.

There’s a flurry of messages from my friends, the most recent one showing:



I unlock my phone and scroll up to the first unread message in the chat.


Everyone’s logged on to watch Rock Steady, right?





Wow, I hope Sara is really enjoying those tattoos.
