I lift my chin to the camera. “Let’s watch it.”

“Okay,” she says, nerves replaced with excitement, and prances to the camera. I come up behind her. Sara navigates to the video and hits play.

We both lean in. Sara’s a little damp, a little sweaty, but her total focus is on the video.

My focus is on her. I can’t look away.

“That came out great!” she says, interrupting my thoughts and nearly popping me in the chin when she straightens.

“Yeah? I mean, yeah, it did.”

“Let’s record one more time just to be sure.”

We do it four more times, actually. The second time I miss my entrance queue, too busy watching her—why? I can watch her do yoga anytime I want. We live together, for fuck’s sake—and the third time, Sara isn’t happy with the way she placed her foot or her hand or something. The fourth and fifth times are good, I think.

“Okay,” Sara says. “I release you from your duties.”

“Do you think I should shower, or would you prefer to have Chris Rächer at your dinner table tonight?”

Sara flushes, and my heart skips a beat without my permission.

“Do you like this?” I gesture to myself.

She looks me over, shy suddenly, and shrugs. “It’s another facet of you.”

I think that’s a yes.



Chris comesinto my yoga studio, and I glance over my shoulder at him and then do a double take. Again.

I’m a professional, I swear. But seeing Chris like this makes it hard to act like it.

On Monday, I edited the two-minute introduction video and posted it that night, announcing that the sessions would start on my Patreon today, Thursday, with a live introductory session. Chris shared it on his social media accounts, and it took off. I watched my Patreon double, triple, and then I stopped doing the math.

Chris dressed the same as before, maybe a little more subdued in the makeup department, but the long dark hair and black nails are still there.

And . . . tattoos. Lots of tattoos because he’s shirtless. I haven’t seen him bare-chested since my first morning here, and while just last week, for the intro video, he was in a see-through top, the combination of the mesh and tattoos made it easy to forget there was bare skin under there. Now, not so much.

He’s also wearing tight yoga pants, which guys wear all the time. My yoga classes back in Texas definitely had more women than men, but there were guys who attended. Some of them were definitely in the hot and buff category, but Chris is something else, especially with the wolf tattoo that snakes around his shoulder to rest its head on his pectoral muscle.

“Is this okay?” Chris’s question zaps me out of my staring contest with his tattoo. “I know tight clothes are best so people can see our bodies.”

“Yes, thanks. I forgot to mention that.”

He smiles. “I’ve paid attention.”

“Um . . .” I gesture at his hair.

He lifts a hand and snaps the band on his wrist. “Man bun?”

“Sure,” I say, and Chris grins, the flash of his tongue piercing winking at me.

We’ve decided to do these sessions live on Patreon. It’ll feel more authentic and personable. It also means I’ll get the videos out faster and do less editing.

Which is good, because my friends are arriving tomorrow.