Tessa theatrically shudders. “I bet he tasted like an ashtray.”

He didn’t. Which makes me wonder if he hasn’t been smoking for a while.

“Okay, well, point made, though also, he’s a famous rock star, he’s my roommate-slash-landlord, and most importantly,he’s a famous rock star. That’s just a whole can of worms I do not want to open.”

“I guess so,” Jade concedes. “I just think you need a refresher on how good non-solo orgasms are. Stat.”

I make a noncommittal noise, though the thought of a non-solo orgasm has me squeezing my thighs together. It has been a while.

“So, what are our plans for the day?” Emma asks, changing the conversation.

Since I slept in this morning and the weather is glorious, our first stop is Lichtentaler Allee, a park that runs along the Oos River. I don’t think it’s peak fall foliage yet, but some trees are changing colors in the mid-October chill, and there are pops of red and yellow everywhere. The river is calm and lazy, with beautiful viewpoints to see the city’s church and cute little bridges that cross the river.

There are several museums nearby, and we take our time in the first one, the Fabergé Museum, until we get hungry and enjoy lunch at a sidewalk café. In the afternoon, we get a little sweaty, hiking up Merkur Mountain to the top, where there are castle ruins overlooking the town.

“You always make us work, Sara,” Jade huffs. “And not in the good way.”

“No, in the good-for-you way.”

Jade grins and catches her breath, looking out at the view. When we all started spending time together, it was at my yoga classes. But then, as schedules changed, we started meeting over food and wine. It feels good to do something other than sit around and drink and eat together.

Jade complains to tease me, and the good news for her is we can take the funicular railway back.

“This is really beautiful,” Tessa says, gazing out the window as we ride back down.

“The rest of us picked cities,” Emma comments. “But somehow, you picked a place that is so perfect for you, Sara.”

I flush, pleased that they like it, though I have to admit that I haven’t seen much of the town. Chris’s place is too far out into the woods, and I’ve kept myself too busy.

When we get back to the house, still sweaty from the hike, we’re all ready for some wine. The chatter of picking out wine and hors d'oeuvres rouses Chris from whatever he’s been doing, and he comes out to say hello, bending me backward into a long and deep kiss that makes my friends heckle us and my stomach flip.

“I’m going to keep working,” Chris tells me. “Enjoy the wine. Ladies.”

He dips his chin at them.

I’m jolted back to my friends by the pop of a cork. We move outside and sit on the back deck.

“How are things going with your professor?” I ask Emma.

She flushes. “He’s not my professor. I mean . . . well, not like that.”

I raise my eyebrows. “I didn’t say he was.”

She looks away. “It’s been fine. Very professional.”

Tessa, Jade, and I exchange glances. “He’s not making you uncomfortable, is he?” Tessa asks.

“No, not at all, I swear. He mostly just ignores me.”

I frown, not entirely sure that’s a good thing. “Do you like his class?”

“It’s one of the easier ones. After doing all the financial stuff for our business, I know the math pretty well. Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out the technology for the class. Everything’s done online these days.”

“Okay, it’s been decades since I graduated college, but do y’all ever have those dreams?” Jade asks. “Where you forgot to print out your schedule, and you can’t find the classroom, and when you do, class is almost over, and you look down, and you’re naked?”

Tessa tilts her head back and laughs. “Oh god, yeah.”

“You joke,” Emma says, “but I have gotten lost, like, three times on campus.”