I think back to the look in Chris’s eyes when I came down the stairs. He’s always looked at me in an appreciative way, but with the exception of tonight, I’ve always—always—been wearing a sports bra.

“Maybe,” I admit.

We’re quiet in the car while I make the turn down Chris’s road.

“Well,” Emma says. “I’ve started maintaining things down there. I know it’s not like getting surgery, but it’s something I was self-conscious about that night with Santo.”

Jade looks over at Emma. “What are you doing? Waxing? Trimming? Brazilian?”

Emma’s cheeks go pink. “Just trimming everything down. But I’ve thought about a Brazilian.”

“I like mine. Everything’s more sensitive, especially with my vibrator.”

“Luc likes the airstrip,” Tessa says.

“Jeez, I’m not doing anything,” I say. “Maybe I need to book a wax or something.”

Jade’s voice is sly from the backseat. “Because Chris is going to see you naked?”

I roll my eyes at her, and she reaches forward to squeeze my shoulder. “Whether it’s waxing or a boob lift, you should do whatever makes you happy. Don’t do it to make a guy happy. I mean, the wax is a much easier place to start, but if you get a boob lift, I can make time to come help you recover.”

“Aw, thanks,” I say, and we pull into the carport.

Despite trying to be quiet, Chris still hears us as we enter the house and comes out of his studio. He must have left the door open.

“How was your night?” he asks us, leaning against the kitchen counter while we drink glasses of cold water. The baths made me thirsty, and I’m sure I’ll end up waking up several times to pee tonight.

Tessa stretches and yawns. “The tamest ladies’ night we’ve ever had. Despite all the nudity.”

“Don’t worry,” Jade says, and I’m not sure who she thinks is worried, exactly. “Tomorrow night’s going to be quite the party. On the agenda is a night of wine, Sara’s delicious cooking, and a movie marathon.”

“After a day of touring the town,” I add.

“Yes, after we walk our asses off all day,” Jade agrees.

“Report for breakfast at oh-eight-hundred,” I say, and Jade salutes.

“I’m going to go outside and call Luc,” Tessa announces, thumbs already tapping on her phone as she walks out the back door.

“Bed for me,” Emma says and stifles another yawn while she stands from her stool.

“I guess I better go to bed too,” Jade says. “But first, I’m going to take a very long shower, and it’ll be at least half an hour, so you might as well hang out down here, Sara,” she tells me with an exaggerated wink and a glance at Chris.

I roll my eyes. “Goodnight, you two.”

Emma hugs me, and Jade blows me a kiss, and Chris and I are alone in the kitchen. Emma whispers as they walk up the stairs, “Why are you going to shower again? Didn’t you just rinse off at the baths?”

The kitchen is quiet, and I take a moment to kick my shoes off and sigh in relief. I love those babies, but even with a break while we were in the baths, my feet are tired. I’ve gotten used to being barefoot around the house.

Chris’s eyes flicker down to my feet with a little echo of the heat from earlier.

“What did you do tonight?” I ask. I know I could go upstairs and hang out in the bedroom while Jade’s getting ready for bed or even use another bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, but I don’t really want to. I want to have Chris’s attention again. It’s been a long time since someone has looked at me with that kind of want, and even though I don’t know what I will do with it, the feeling is heady.

“I wrote tonight,” he says, and it comes out with more smugness and confidence than I’ve ever heard before.

“Yeah? Good things, I assume.”

“Yes. Do you want to hear one?”