Alwin starts toward her. “You know, maybe I should take yoga lessons.”

I grab his shirt and yank him out of the room. “All right, that’s enough. Leave Sara alone.”

When lunch comes, Alwin and I unpack it in the kitchen.

“Hey Sara,” Alwin says in a sing-song voice capped with a winsome smile. “Here’s your veggie dish I ordered.”

“Thank you.”

“Excuse me, I ordered for her.”

Alwin ignores me and laces his fingers together, tucking them under his chin and batting his eyelashes at her. I’m often just blown away by how pretty Alwin is when he turns on the charm. His cheekbones stand out, and combined with his pointed chin, he has an elfin quality about him. Right now, his dark hair is chin-length and silky, heightening the androgyny Alwin leans into. “Stay and eat with us.”

Sara glances out the window. “We could eat outside.”

Alwin hums when he stands and shoots me a look. “How outdoorsy.”

Over lunch, Alwin peppers Sara with questions, hopping from one topic to the next. He’s fascinated by her life raising Zoe as a single mom, and in turn, he tells Sara stories of party hopping. He name-drops a lot, clearly amusing himself by heightening Sara’s curiosity.

Sara says she has to get back to work. She thanks us again, stacks her dishes, and goes back into the house. We both watch her go, and then Alwin’s head snaps back to me.

“You are so into her.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes. “I’m not. Come on. We’re entirely different people.”

“True. That woman is a minivan away from a suburban American soccer mom, and you’re the least attractive member of a super-star punk rock band.”

“The least? Please. I’m hotter than Ram.”

“Not before he opens his mouth.” Alwin’s knee jiggles under the table. “I bet she hates that you smoke.”

“She does,” I agree.

“You should quit. She’ll never want to kiss you when you taste like an ashtray. It’s disgusting. You would think that being pan would mean that I’ve doubled my potential hookups, but, in our lifestyle, since I don’t want a smoker’s mouth on my dick, I’ve cut the pool by like seventy-five percent.”

“That makes no sense. You can’t taste from your dick.”

He shrugs. “It’s mental. The smoke permeates their mouths. Maybe they have cancer breath. I don’t know. But if you want any chance of kissing her, maybe you should cut it back. Like, nicotine patches or gum or, I don’t know, replace it with some other oral fixation.”

He grins. But the stupid fucker has a point. I change the subject rather than concede. “Are you staying the night?”

“Nah, I’m headed back to Berlin today.” He rises. “In fact, now that I can tell Marcus we’ve actually done some work, I think I’ll take off and leave you with your future wife.”

“Fucker. Stop being afraid of a little hard work.”

He points at me. “Pot.” Then points at himself. “Kettle. Twenty euros says that we’ve already done more today than you do most days.”

I throw a balled-up napkin at him, but it falls uselessly to the table.

He grins. “Love you. Talk soon.”

I flip him off, but just before the door closes behind him, I shout, “Love you too.”



My day is not going well.After Alwin’s visit yesterday, I recorded two more yoga sessions, but this morning, when I went to edit, I realized that I accidentally nudged a setting on my camera that meant I was just slightly out of focus the entire time.