There had never been anyone in his life who made him lose his head so thoroughly; who could, with one look or one word, penetrate his carefully constructed armour. Olliegothim in a way that no one ever had. She knew more of him, of who he was and what he stood for, than anyone ever had before.

And, in just over a week, she would be leaving his life for ever. What would he do with Mat? Could he cope on his own? He didn’t want her to go, but he knew she couldn’t stay. She had promises to keep, a life to establish elsewhere.

Bo pushed those thoughts aside; they were for later. Right now, his only job was to love Ollie as thoroughly as he could. Pushing her dress off her shoulders, he led her over to the bed and sat down on the edge, pulling her between his legs. He rested his forehead on her sternum, inhaling her fresh air and jasmine scent, his lips resting on her lovely skin, his hands on her shapely hips.

Hooking one finger under the cup of her bra, he pulled it down and blew on her puckered nipple. Above his head, Ollie sighed and rested her hands on his shoulders, moving them to his hair and down his neck. He knew she wanted to touch him but also seemed to understand that something else was happening this evening, something bigger, bolder and brighter than their previous couplings.

Something important...

He didn’t know if he loved her. Bo didn’t know, with his family history, whether he was capable of loving anyone. But he couldn’t deny that with Ollie he was close, as near to that elusive emotion they called love as he thought he could get. But it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t give Ollie all that she needed, everything she deserved.

But he could love her with his body, worship her with his lips, tongue and hands.

Bo reached behind her, undid the clasp holding her bra together and gently pulled the sexy garment from her body. When it landed on the floor, he covered her breast with his hands, his thumbs dragging across her nipples, making them tighter and harder. Knowing what she needed, he pulled one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard before pulling away to love the other. She was beautiful and tonight, for the next week, she was his. He’d take these long summer days, the few they’d been gifted, and he’d love her as best as he could, as much as he could.

At the end of it, he’d face his and Mat’s Ollie-free future.

The thought made him want to howl, and then break things.

Bo gave himself a mental kick and told himself to concentrate. He had a gorgeous woman in his arms; he should give her, and her body, all the attention it deserved. And that meant running his lips over her ribs, dipping his tongue into her cute, ring-studded belly button. She had a tattoo of a swallow on her hip, pretty and perfect.

Bo dragged her panties down her hips and, when she stepped out of them, he stood up and told her to sit on the edge of the bed. Feeling hot, he stripped off to his briefs and sank to his knees between Ollie’s thighs, smiling a little when her mouth dropped into a perfect ‘O’.

He’d kissed her intimately a few times before, but he’d never made her orgasm with his fingers and tongue—he’d always been so desperate to be inside her.

Not being inside her when she came might kill him but certain things were worth losing his life for...

Bo lay next to Ollie and watched the aftermath of her intense orgasm, feeling as if he’d conquered Everest and rowed across the Southern Ocean. He was an experienced lover, but nothing was more important than her being fully satisfied. Bo watched as she opened her intensely dark eyes, smiled and reached for him.

‘That was a very one-sided couple of minutes, Sørenson,’ she whispered as his hand encircled her, her thumb moving slowly across his tip. ‘How do you want it? How do you want me?’

He mentally flipped through a couple of positions, discounted them all and settled for covering her slim body with his, hooking her legs over his hips. There was nothing exotic about the missionary position but it allowed them to be face to face, eye to eye, and he could watch her lovely face as passion spun him away.

Bo pushed inside her and sighed. She felt like home, the person he didn’t think he’d been looking for. He didn’t know how he was going to let her go but neither could he ask her to stay.

Ollie sat on the beach below Bo’s house and watched Bo walk along the shoreline with Mat on his hip. He wore a pair of low-slung swimming shorts and a navy chambray shirt half-buttoned up. His big feet left an impression in the wet sand and he was chatting to Mat, who seemed to find his father extraordinarily funny.

Mat and Bo had bonded, and Bo was now confident in his ability to look after his son. For Ollie, time was running out and she was deeply concerned that Bo didn’t have someone to take her place as a nanny when she left. Greta had agreed to help Bo out temporarily but Bo using his housekeeper as Mat’s nanny, as wonderful as Greta was, was not a long-term solution.

This afternoon, while Mat took his nap, she intended to make Bo read the CVs of the five nannies she and Sabine had decided were good enough for Bo to interview. Despite Bo’s lack of interest in the process, she couldn’t,wouldn’t, leave them without a solid back-up plan. It was going to be hard enough to leave but leaving Bo without a nanny to back him up would be an additional stress. Oh, she knew that Bo would cope—he could deal with anything and everything life tossed him—but she knew that being a single parent was taxing. He couldn’t run a successful company and give Mat the time and attention he needed without some help. If she couldn’t stay, then she wanted him to have a sensible, strong, loving person to look after Mat when Bo had to work.

She so wanted to stay. Ollie placed her hand on her heart, cursing herself for becoming so involved in this little family. She’d promised herself that she wouldn’t become attached, but here she was, the human equivalent of a barnacle. She loved Mat and she was probably,definitely, in love with Bo.

And she had to leave.

Last night, after lying awake in Bo’s arms, she’d considered her options, one of which was taking out a business loan to buy shares in Sabine’s business. If she managed to secure a loan, then she could split her savings between paying back her parents some of the money they’d spent on her education—it was all she could think to do or offer—servicing the loan repayments and putting a little towards establishing a new life in Paris. But was Paris where she wanted to live? Was London?

If she couldn’t have Copenhagen—and she couldn’t—where could she see herself living?

She could live in any European city: most of her work would be online. She’d run through a dozen cities last night, finding something, or a few things, wrong with all of them. After getting into a total tizz, she’d reminded herself that she had a couple of hurdles to negotiate—she needed to talk to her parents, secure the loan and make Sabine a formal offer—before she needed to make such a big decision.

She knew that Copenhagen would always be top of her list. But having her around full-time wasn’t something Bo wanted. She was a temporary fling, on her way out. That made Bo sound callous and selfish, when he wasn’t. He enjoyed her company, was a kind, considerate and thoughtful house mate, a clear-headed and calm boss and a blow-her-socks-off lover—but he’d never hinted, not once, that he wanted her to stay.

And if he did, she couldn’t, not the way things were now. She needed a lot,lotmore from Bo before she could consider staying in Copenhagen: love, trust, some sort of commitment. She needed everything that Bo couldn’t give her.

Her phone jangled in her back pocket and Ollie pulled it out, grateful for the reprieve. She saw Helen’s name on the screen and pushed the green button, happy to hear from her good friend.

‘Hey, you. Where are you?’