No, he was desperate. ‘When I need to be,’ he agreed. ‘But that dress needs to come off.’

Ollie surprised him by flashing a heart-stopping grin, and Bo put his hand on his chest just to make sure that the organ responsible for pumping blood around his body was still working.

Ollie reached for the zipper under her left arm and, as she pulled it down, the fabric of her dress loosened and he forgot how to breathe. Ollie was almost naked and nothing else was important. Her dress fell to her waist and revealed her perky breasts, and her dark-cherry-coloured nipples. Her waist was tiny and Bo needed to see all of her immediately. Using his core muscles, he placed his hands on her bare hips and lifted her up, out of her dress and onto him, her legs straddling him leaving a frothy puddle of white fabric on his deep-brown comforter.

Ollie, naked except for the smallest and most pointless pair of panties he’d ever seen in his life—they covered nothing but a small strip of her mound—started playing with the snap of his trousers again. Pulling her down, Bo dragged his tongue over her nipple before sucking it against the roof of his mouth. Despite the fabric of his trousers and his underwear separating them, he felt the heat between Ollie’s legs burning against his shaft.

He needed to be inside her—now, immediately. He couldn’t wait any longer.

He ignored the voice of caution telling him he was feeling too much, that he was too emotionally connected and that this felt like more than sex, more than a one-night stand. He pushed his underwear and trousers over his hips and down his legs. He tossed the garments to the floor and, when Ollie repositioned herself on his shaft, he groaned.

Protection...He needed to find a condom.

‘Get those panties off while I track down a condom,’ he told her, sounding gruff. He didn’t keep condoms in the drawer of his bedside table because he always conducted his liaisons elsewhere. There might be a box in his bathroom cabinet, and there was one tucked into his wallet. But leaving Ollie was proving more difficult than he expected.

She leaned down, gently biting down on his bottom lip, and soothed the tiny sting with the tip of her tongue. ‘I’m clean and on the pill,’ she told him, her eyes begging him not to leave her, to wait any longer.

He shouldn’t; he didn’t trust anyone to take care of protection but himself, but he couldn’t find the will to move out from under her. He was a father because he’d somehow slipped up with Dani but, strangely, even that terrifying thought couldn’t make him shift.

Tired of his thoughts, the constant merry-go-round in his head, Bo used his strength to flip Ollie so that she lay under him. He slid his hand between her legs to check that she was ready for him—she so was. Without hesitation he pushed into her, rocked by the exquisite feeling of skin on skin, being condom-free. She felt amazing, hot, wet and like...

She felt like home.


ITWASEARLYthe next morning when Bo walked into his bedroom holding two cups of coffee. When he sat down next to Ollie, his big shoulder pressing into hers, she lifted his wrist to look at his Rolex watch. It was shortly after six, and they hopefully had at least an hour together before Mat woke up. An hour when she could be Ollie the woman, not Ollie the nanny.

Ollie wrapped her hands around her mug and stared into the rich, dark liquid, thinking that making love to Bo had been far better than she’d expected, far more intense than she’d imagined. He’d pulled emotions to the surface she’d thought she’d buried three years ago, soft emotions, emotions that dealt with connection, intimacy and like. She was scared to the soles of her feet and beyond. He’d pushed her out of her emotional comfort zone and she felt a little disconnected.

Bo dropped a kiss on her head and picked up his mug from the bedside table. He’d pulled on a pair of pyjama bottoms and a white T-shirt and Ollie thought that nobody had the right to look so hot this early in the morning. Dressed in Bo’s T-shirt, the open neck of his shirt falling off one shoulder, she felt she didn’t measure up.

Silly, because Bo had told her frequently that she was delicious, gorgeous and that she was heaven in his arms.

Get over yourself, Cooper.

Pushing her curls off her forehead, she sipped her coffee and, when he sat down next to her, she hooked her bare leg over Bo’s.

‘What are your plans for today?’ she asked Bo, turning her head to kiss the ball of his shoulder. When she left this room, nobody would suspect her of having an affair with her boss but here, right now, she could be affectionate.

‘I have a meeting with the Hong Kong businessman I met last night at the ball,’ Bo told her. He sighed. ‘It’ll be one of those highly technical and long meetings where we work through all the design elements he wants and needs. He’ll expect too much and, as diplomatically as possible, I’ll have to explain to him what can be achieved and what can’t.’

‘And at the end of it you’ll get a fat contract to design his new racing yachts.’ Ollie had no doubt that was exactly what would happen. Bo didn’t fail; he always achieved what he set out to do.

‘And you? What are you planning?’

‘I might take Mat to the beach,’ she told him. ‘It’s going to be a hot day.’

‘I wish I could join you,’ Bo replied, sounding regretful. ‘I hate the idea of being cooped up in an office on such a gorgeous day.’

‘A few weeks back, you planned on spending most of the summer in your office,’ Ollie teased.

His slow smile caused her stomach to do barrel rolls. ‘Well, now I’ve found a better way to spend my time, and wasting the sunlight doesn’t seem the wisest course of action.’

Ollie looked away, thinking that she would be leaving as summer drew to an end, when the days grew shorter and the nights cooler.

Talking of...

‘Did you manage to go through the CVs of the candidates to take over from me as Matheo’s nanny?’ she asked him, desperate to get back to reality. And the reality was that in five or six weeks—she’d lost count—she’d be in the UK and Bo and Mat would be here. And they’d have a new nanny in their lives. Because she wanted the best for them—how could she not? They were amazing!—she needed to find the best, most qualified, nicest nanny she could. And good nannies didn’t grow on trees.