Five little words but ones he hadn’t heard since his grandfather, the only person who’d believed in him, had passed. They filled Bo with strength and peace. And, as he watched Ollie walk away, he was terrified of how much he’d liked hearing those words on her lips—how much her good opinion of him had come to mean to him in such a short time.
What he felt for her was sexual, not emotional: he didn’t do emotions. Yes, he wanted her—under him, over him, up against the wall. But that was just lust—and nothing else but lust. He needed to remind her of that.
Bo followed her into the hallway and his fingers locked around her wrist. She spun around to face him and he saw everything he was feeling in her rich brown eyes. Desire, need, want and confusion Ollie looked up into his face, raw with need, and she waited for him to speak. He was an articulate guy; why was he struggling to find words? And, when they did arrive, they weren’t what he’d intended to say.
‘I know that nothing can happen between us, and I would never presume that something could. But...but if I do not taste you soon, kiss you senseless just once, I might lose my mind.’
Ollie knew Bo was waiting for her to say something, to permit him to kiss her. She also knew that if she said no then he would step away and they’d never mention this encounter again. The thing was...she couldn’t say no. It wasn’t a word her tongue could wrap itself around. Yes... She could manage yes.
She was normally so clear-thinking. How could he confuse her like this? She could figure that out later. Right now there was only one thing she wanted from him and that was for him to push his body into hers and kiss her as fiercely as he could. Ollie lifted her hand and placed it on the back of Bo’s neck, surprised at how hot he was. Standing on her tiptoes, she placed her other hand on his chest and placed her lips on his. For a few seconds, she wondered if she’d made a huge mistake, because he stood statue-still.
Then his lips softened under hers, they nibbled and explored, and his hands came up to hold her face, his thumbs gently brushing her cheekbones. But, if this was the only kiss she was going to get from him, she wanted more than her face to be touched, her lips to be explored. She wanted to be so close to him that a sheet of paper couldn’t slide between them. She wanted his tongue in her mouth, his hand on her breast and her stomach pushing into his erection.
As if he heard her unspoken demands, Bo changed tempo and Ollie knew the exact moment that the fuse inside him detonated. His hands dropped, one to her breast the other to cup her left butt cheek, and he pulled her up and into him, pushing his shaft into her stomach. His tongue slid into her mouth, hot and demanding, and lust and heat skittered through her. Her nipple bloomed under the swiping motion of his thumb and she groaned when he pushed aside the fabric of her sleeping vest. Sliding her hands under his shirt, she explored his back, running her fingers down the deep valley of her spine, allowing them to drift over his hard, well-shaped and truly spectacular butt. Under her hands, he felt perfect.
‘You are so very gorgeous,’ Bo muttered, yanking his mouth off hers to mutter the words.
Frustrated because he’d stopped kissing her, she gripped his shirt in her hands and twisted the fabric, lifting her chin and mouth in a silent plea for him to kiss her again. The world stopped and faded away when he kissed her and she rather liked it.
‘Bo, kiss me again...’ She murmured the words against his lips.
He rested his forehead on hers, his knees bending to make allowance for their difference in height. ‘I can’t,’ he told her, his breath ragged. ‘If I start kissing you again, I swear I’ll take you up against this wall.’
She simply looked at him, unable to find a flaw in that plan.
‘Olivia!’ he said, his hands tightening on her biceps. ‘This is crazy. We can’t—youknowwe can’t.’
Why not?There was no one in the house but Mat and he wouldn’t care.
Wow, she really was losing her mind. One kiss and she was ready to fall into bed with him, forgetting that he was paying her salary and that she was there to look after his child. Ollie released his shirt and she placed her hands on the wall behind her, her palms flat against the surface. Bo pulled away from her and he gripped her hips with white-tipped fingers. He didn’t look embarrassed about his tented bottoms so she figured she shouldn’t be either. She closed her eyes and pulled in a few deep breaths until her blood came off the boil and her brain started working again.
Ollie looked away and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. She’d been unprofessional in the extreme, and if Sabine got wind of this—friend or not, mentor or not—she’d be fired. Thank goodness that this would be her last professional gig: if she messed up and slept with an employer, it wouldn’t affect her ability to get any more work. She had work, just not the kind she wanted.
Anyway, you are not going to sleep with your client, Olivia.
Well, she was going to try not to. As hard as she could.
The thing was, nobody had ever made her feel so jittery before, so alive, as if she’d been plugged into a source of universal energy. She just needed to look into Bo’s craggy face and the space between her legs heated and her body wanted.
It craved.
Stupid thing. What on earth was wrong with her?
‘We can’t do this, Ollie,’ Bo told her, his voice sounding gruff. ‘It was a mistake.’
A mistake. Of all the words he could’ve chosen to use, that was the one that hurt her the most. It was the word that her parents had used when she’d told them she wanted to go travelling; what Fred had used when he’d called off their engagement; the word Sabine had used when she’d told Ollie she was getting in too deep with Rebecca, as if loving that little girl and giving her all that attention could be a mistake.
Mistake, mistake, mistake.
She’d made so many of them, including trusting Fred and making that deal with her parents to return to work after five years.
No, she couldn’t think about the past now. She wouldn’t add tears to this already embarrassing interlude. Ollie looked down so that he couldn’t see her eyes, silently cursing. She blinked rapidly and, when she was sure they were clear, she looked up again. In the morning, she’d resume her search for a permanent nanny for him, someone to take her place. She needed something to take her mind off what had just happened, and it would also be a good reminder that her position here was temporary and that she was just passing through his life.
Straightening her shoulders, she forced herself to smile. ‘That should never have happened, but it did. But maybe we could forget it?’
There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in a volcano, but it sounded like something she should say.
Bo sent her a ‘who are you kidding?’look. ‘We can try.’