Page 42 of City of Gods

“I know. And get out of the mirror with your annoying, fine ass.” She rolled her eyes but as usual, a smile tugged on those plush lips.

“I knew you were looking at me.” I smoothed a hand over my shirt and smirked at her because I knew it pissed her off.

“Of course I was. You think I would have let you fuck me if you didn’t look the way you look and if the dick wasn’t exquisite?”

“Exquisite, huh?” I couldn’t help but laugh because…it was true. I’d been fucking the shit out of Sanai. “You know,” I said as she went into the bathroom stall. “I still haven’t given you the dick that you deserve.”

The stall door thudded open and Sanai poked her head out, staring at me with wide eyes. “You haven’t?” Her eyebrow raised and the lust in her tilted eyes was palpable.

“I haven’t.” I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth and looked her from head to toe unapologetically. She disappeared back into the stall and I shook my head.

“Well, that’s interesting.”

“Yeah. It is. You keep that in mind while you’re getting information from Mr. Handsome-And-Interesting out there, Sanai.” I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, making sure not to beeline for my table. Instead, I went back to the kitchen and found Marcus.

“You better get your unsanitized ass out of my kitchen, Breeze,” he admonished.

“I just wanted to make sure you were back here doing your job.”

“Yeah, okay. You know I get busy in the kitchen. Always have, always will. I got a little something special coming out for you and Rob. Come on, let’s head back out there.”

Marcus walked with me back to my table and I made sure we chopped it up along the way. When we rounded the corner and Sanai came into view, I noticed Daniel’s shoulders relax a bit when he saw me with Marcus.

That was the plan.

I already knew Daniel would be suspicious with both me and Sanai gone at the same time after I showed up exactly where he decided to take her on a date. He didn’t need to know that she was my new addiction and that I wouldn’t let an encounter between us go by without being deep inside of her.

The rest of the night, Rob and I hung out and ate great thanks to Marcus. I was glad I wasn’t there with Hakim because we would have never gotten out of there. We left before Sanai and Daniel, and I tried not to care. I tried not to wonder what they were talking about or if he was going to try pushing things too far with her.

She could take care of herself, though. That was one of the sexiest things about her. She wasn’t afraid to defend herself. I went from thinking she was a manipulative murderer to admiring her tenacity and intensity. Hell, after last night, I didn’t have the cleanest hands myself.

“Damn, she got you stuck like that?” Rob asked when we were in the parking lot.

“Who?” I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

“Who? Shorty you were smashing in the bathroom while her date stepped out to take a phone call. That’s who.”

“Damn, Rob. You ain’t have to pull my card like that. Who said I fucked her? We’re trying to figure some shit out so maybe I was talking to her and making sure we were still on the same page.”

“Yeah, that’s what you were doing. So, is that why you came out with Marcus being loud as hell for no fucking reason?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m done with your stupid ass. You can’t admit you like that girl? Or are you avoiding getting my damn cigars?” We came to a stop at Rob’s car and I rested against the driver’s side.

“I don’t know. Fucking her is one thing but feeling her? That would open up a whole fucking Pandora’s box that I’m not ready for.”

“What’s the worst that could come of it?” Rob asked with genuine curiosity. “I haven’t seen you into a woman like this in a long time. You can’t keep denying the fire. I’m not saying you should marry the girl but damn, stop faking like y'all don’t fuck with each other the long way.”

After a long stretch of silence, I nodded my head. “You might be on to something. It’s tough admitting anything when I hated her for so long. Hated everything she stood for and now…” I lifted my shoulders and let them fall.

“Now you realize she’s doing her job the same as you?” He folded his arms across his chest and eyed me.

“I guess you could say that.” I pushed out a long exhale that turned white in the cold air. “Maybe once we figure out who the hell is targeting the Temple, I’ll explore a little more if she’s down.”

“Look at you, Breeze.” Rob gave his signature wide grin and I shook my head. If there was anyone who could talk some sense into me, it was him. “You might even talk yourself into a lil relationship with the princess of Bellmore when it’s all said and done.”

“Man, get out of here with that bullshit. The princess of Bellmore? You know the Godwins run this fucking town. The Sinclairs wish they had our fucking weight around here.”