Page 40 of City of Gods

“Ooh, she’s pretty. She looks like Pastor Sinclair’s daughter. I go to their church.”

“That’s her,” I said, still trying to pry my eyes away from her bright pops of laughter and long ebony ribbons of hair.

“Ooh, look at you staring her down.” Kim bumped me with her hip and I shook my head, finally breaking my gaze. “Her boyfriend looks a lot bigger than you, Breeze. Don’t get that handsome face messed up.” She reached up and grabbed my jaw.

“Nah, it’s not like that. I’m good. Trust me.” Maybe it was fucked up, but something about shooting three men dead last night shifted my perspective. I was never afraid of a fight but now, I cared even less.

“You want a seat near her?”

“Across from her,” I told Kim. “Let Marcus know I’m here, too.” Kim nodded in response and made her way to the party sitting across from Sanai and Daniel. In a matter of seconds, they were moved to another spot and someone came out to clean the table.

Just as I was being seated, I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Rob. “Maasai told me you were about to make a fool of yourself, so I came to ride shotgun.”

“Wow, so I need supervision now?” I slapped hands with my best friend and gestured for him to have a seat at the table with me.

“Nah, he didn’t even send me after you. I came of my own volition after I got off. I wanted to witness every moment so I could tell you with good goddamn reason why…I want my Cubans.”

“Oh my fucking god, nigga. You’re not going to let that shit go, are you?”

“Why should I?” he chuckled. “Has she noticed your stalker ass over here yet?”

“If she has, she hasn’t let on,” I told him.

“Knowing her, she saw you and never missed a beat. One thing about Sanai Sinclair, the girl is smart.”

“Yeah…she is,” I glanced across the room at her and watched her eyes widen with interest at something Daniel was saying. Anyone else would have thought she only had eyes for her date. That she was enthralled in whatever story he was telling, but I knew better. She was calculating and meticulous. She was laying down a solid foundation of trust and interest and playing one hell of a role.

“Breeze! Is that you, man?” Marcus Jackson made his way through the crowded restaurant and pulled me out of my seat for a tight hug.

“Yo, what’s up, Marcus?” I clapped him on the back. Everyone’s head turned in our direction, including Sanai and Daniel.

“Rob? Kim ain’t tell me you were out here, too. Man, what a surprise.” Marcus pulled Rob in for an embrace as well. “Damn, I haven’t seen y'all in a minute. All we’re missing is Maasai and Hakim and it’s like college again.”

“I know Hakim stays in here,” I laughed.

“Oh, faithfully,” Marcus chuckled. “Listen, y'all hang out for a while. Order whatever you want and I’ll personally hook it up for you.”

“Good looking out, Marcus,” Rob said with a grin. I tried my hardest not to stare at Sanai but when I saw her get up to go to the bathroom, my eyes followed the sway of her hips instinctively. They called to me like quick drum taps, begging to be listened to. I shot a look at Daniel and noticed he was looking down at his phone and when I looked at Rob, he was staring me dead in my face.

“You better not go after her in the fucking bathroom, Breeze,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Man, go ‘head. I’m just monitoring the situation.” I cleared my throat and looked at the menu but I still felt Rob’s eyes on me.

“You’re full of shit. You know we’ve been boys for a long time, right?”

“I know,” I grunted.

“So that means I know exactly what your dumb ass is thinking about doing.”

I watched from the corner of my eye as Daniel took a phone call and stood to move away from the table. Our eyes locked for a split second and he acknowledged me with a tilt of his head. I tossed up two fingers in his direction and then kept looking at the menu.

“Rob, I’ll be right back,” I said, standing to my feet.

“Nigga,” he sighed with the weight of the world on his shoulders. All I could do was flash a smile at him. He knew he was right. I knew it, too.

By the time I made it back to the bathrooms, Sanai was stepping out. I pushed her right back inside and locked the door behind us.

“Bakari, what the fuck?” Her words were cut off by my mouth on hers. Owning her sweet, soft tongue with mine while she froze, then melted beneath my fingertips.