Page 19 of City of Gods

“Yeah, man. It’s cool, though. I want to do them right and I know I’m the only person who can give them their faces back.”

“Of course, bro.” I stood and we slapped hands. “Go do your thing.” I was getting ready to head to the respiratory care floor to do my rounds. I had several patients with traumatic lung injuries that I’d saved on the O.R. table and I needed to check on them.

Bellmore General Hospital was a moderately sized care facility that the Godwin family had worked in for decades. It was there that I honed my craft and learned how to operate under extreme duress. I’d seen and worked on some of the worst, most violent cases in the state. I was on the elevator, heading up to the fourth floor when my phone chimed in the pocket of my scrubs.

“Dr. Breeze,” I answered, leaning against the wall.

“Dr. Breeze, you have a patient down in the ER. Triage bay 17.” My brows crashed together.

“I have a patient in the ER?” I laughed and stepped onto the fourth floor, waving at the nurses gathered at the nurse’s station. They all grinned and giggled, wiggling their fingers as I walked by.

“Yes, sir. She said she was a patient of yours and would only allow you to look at her. She said she has a rash that you treated.” I heard the disbelief from the nurse on the other end and it matched my expression.

“Um…what’s her name?” I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

“Hold on, let me look…it’s one of those hard-to-pronounce names. Sa-nay or Sa-nee Sinclair?”

I stopped dead in my tracks and let my shoulders fall.

Motherfucking Sanai.

“It’s pronounced Sa-Ny. I know exactly who you’re talking about. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. I need to complete a couple of rounds.” I ended the call and rushed to finish with my patients. I hated feeling hurried like that. I liked to take time to hear their concerns and to answer them fully. Luckily, the two patients I saw were healing beautifully and didn’t have any questions about their care so I could go see little Miss Pain-In-My-Fucking-Ass.

When I strolled into triage bay 17, Sanai was laid up on the bed swinging her feet from left to right with the remote to the TV in her hand. “Miss Sinclair,” I said through clenched teeth. Her tilted mahogany eyes glanced in my direction.

She was so cat-like. Not even just the way her eyes seemed to slant. It was in everything she did. The curious way she studied me. The delicate, sneaky movements she made. Everything about her reminded me of a damn cat.

“You told me to reach out to you. So, here I am.” She shrugged, sitting up in the bed and clicking the TV off.

“You know there’s a such thing as a goddamn phone, Sanai?” I slid the heavy glass door closed and drew the curtain so we wouldn’t be disturbed.

“Phones can be tapped. I know there aren’t any cameras or recording devices in the rooms here. Only the hallways, entrances, and exits. I figured it was the best place to talk. I don’t fully trust you.”

“You don’t fully trustme?” I scoffed pressing a hand to my chest. “You gotta be fucking kidding me. You’re the ki…” She didn’t let me get my words out before her hand was pressed against my mouth. That woman’s glare was deadly…and sexy. Her eyes glinted like marbles in the sunlight.

I gripped her wrist harder than I realized because she let out a low hiss before yanking away from me. “You can’t just say shit like that around so many people, nigga. You have a million degrees. I know you’re not that dumb.”

“First of all,” I said, shoving her back on the bed. The thin cotton of the hospital gown did nothing to hide how hard her nipples were. They drew my eyes to them like small, plump magnets.


I cleared my throat trying to redirect the blood back to my brain instead of to my dick. “Nobody is in here and nobody gives a damn about what I’m saying to you. Calm down. Fucking international super spy.”

“Ears are everywhere. You have no idea who the hell you’re working alongside.”

“Listen, I don’t have time for your paranoid bullshit. I need to know what exactly your plan of action is.”

“My plan is to kill him. Keep up, Bakari.” She snapped her fingers and then folded her arms over her chest like she knew I was peeping her hard nipples in my peripheral.

“How?” I scowled. She didn’t get to answer because a nurse knocked and then walked in, smiling.

“Oh, Dr. Breeze, I didn’t know you were in here already.” I glanced at the ID clipped to her blue scrubs and smiled politely.

“Not a problem, Nurse Takia. I’m just checking on Miss Sinclair.”

“I saw on her chart that no one had come by to get your info. I can wait until you’re done, Doctor.”

“Yeah. That would be helpful.” I turned away from the nurse, expecting her to leave the room so I could finish talking to Sanai but that didn’t happen. Nurse Takia stood at the door, her hands clasped loosely in front of her. Sanai’s eyebrow jerked up to her hairline as she eyed me as if to say, “Get this motherfucker out of here.”