Page 90 of City of Gods

Once Takia was stitched and bandaged, I gave her a shirt and a jacket to put on. Sanai and I took her outside and put her in the back of Hakim’s car. I was taking his shit since he always helped himself to my things. Well, mainly my food, but still.

I drove while Sanai sat in the backseat with Takia, holding a gun to her ribs in case she thought of being a hero and saving herself. She gave me turn-by-turn directions to get to Mrs. Sinclair’s hideout.

She ended up being in the basement of a property outside of Bellmore that the Sinclairs owned. It was a dumb ass place to hide out but I was glad we’d found it. All the lights were off and there were no cars in the driveway.

According to Takia, after I put pressure on her wound, the other shooter who stayed there with her never parked at the house, and they weren’t allowed to turn the lights on when they were in the house. The two of them took turns rotating out for protection.

“She only wants to come out of hiding once all of you are out of her way. She wants to be able to run her business her way. She doesn’t want to split the profits and she doesn’t want to hear shit about her switching from the family business to the drug game,” Takia told us. Sweat began to bead across her forehead and I knew she didn’t have much time before she felt the strong urge to sleep.

“Of course that’s what she wants. Fucking selfish bitch.” Sanai was fuming. By the time we parked, she was nearly bouncing off the damn walls of the car, ready to get out.

“When we get up here, I want you to lure her to the front door. If you give off any warning whatsoever, I won’t hesitate to shoot you,” I told her.

“Okay. I won’t. I swear. Just please don’t kill me after this, Bakari. I’ll tell you everything. I’ll be loyal to you. I promise.” Her words tumbled out disjointed and wobbly.

“Shut the fuck up,” Sanai growled, shoving the barrel of her gun into Takia’s side.

“How many cameras?” I asked, trying to deflect some of Sanai’s anger. I didn’t want her to act impulsively at the wrong moment and blow our entire plan. I had faith in her because she was a professional but anger made people act irrationally.

“Um…four, I think. I don’t know if she has extras that are hidden.” She began sobbing lightly as we approached the dark house. “Bakari, my stomach hurts so bad. Please just…” I spun to face her and I could feel my shadow side peeking out, dying to fully rear its head.

“It’s supposed to fucking hurt. You caused a lot of pain and now you’re in a lot of pain. Deal with it.” I took her from Sanai’s grip and shoved her up the steps while she groaned, trying to stifle her cries of agony.

Since Sanai was smaller than me and Takia, she was the perfect one to hide behind her while she knocked on the door. I watched her get into place while I stood off to the side of the porch, not coming into view.

“Vanessa, it’s me,” Takia said, making her voice steady.


She knocked again, then rang the doorbell.

Still nothing.

I was ready to reopen her stitches right on the fucking porch and extract the truth from her abdomen when the door opened just a crack.

“I’ve been calling you. They were able to hit Zee but the others got away. Get your ass in here so we can get on top of this.”

When Mrs. Sinclair opened the door all the way, Sanai stepped from behind Takia, gun aimed right at her mother’s chest. I moved directly behind Takia, grabbing her in case she thought about running. I pushed my way through the door with Sanai and shut it behind myself, making sure to lock it.

“You brought her to me!” Mrs. Sinclair growled at Takia. Rage pushed her to lunge toward Takia but Sanai cocked her pistol and aimed at her mother’s head.

“They tortured me! I didn’t have a choice. I swear, I…” I couldn’t take the sound of her voice anymore.

I took my gun from my waistband and clicked the safety off before unloading three shots into her abdomen. One shot to her stomach. One to her colon. One to her liver.

She would be dead in a few minutes once the bleeding started.

“Who else is in the house?” I asked, my eyes sweeping the dark room and becoming acclimated to the blackness.

“Nobody,” Mrs. Sinclair said, glaring. The shots didn’t even make her blink. She seemed more pissed off that she couldn’t yell at Takia anymore.

Well, she wouldn’t have to worry about that because she was going to have to deal with her daughter and I felt sorry for her.


We fucking found her. How simple and easy it was for her to hide in a property her and Father already owned? I was kicking myself for not starting at their properties in the first place. None of that mattered, though. She was in front of me and I was going to kill her.

“So you thought you couldn’t be found?” I asked, tipping my head to the side.