Page 86 of City of Gods

“I can hear you.”

“Good. Bring your ass down here so we can do what we gotta do. Leave the dog with Maasai.”

“The fuck you mean leave the dog with Maasai?” He frowned at his wrist. “I don’t have shit to do with whatever your girl got going on.”

“Come on, man. Watch the dog. You know we have things to do.” I was sure Bakari told his brothers about the plan with Takia, but I also knew Maasai hadn’t planned on taking care of a random dog.

“Give me the fucking dog, man. Go handle your business.” He took the dog from me gently even though his attitude was rough.

“Thank you, Maasai,” I cooed.

“Yeah, yeah.”

Dice led me to Bakari, who was in an operating room. Takia was strapped to a table, still knocked out cold.

It was time to get some fucking answers.

“So…can I hit her to wake her up?” I asked, cracking my knuckles. Bakari looked at me like I was insane.

“No. She should be awake soon. You don’t want her face fucked up, remember?” I thought back to our plan and nodded. The itch to smash her teeth in was strong, though.

“Just wait it out. I want this to go smoothly and quickly. After the shit your mother pulled tonight, we can’t let her keep breathing.” His voice dropped to a deadly tone and made my throat tighten. His eyes flitted over my face and he said, “Are you sure you’re up for this, Sanai? I know how you feel but when it comes down to killing your mother…that’s a hard pill to swallow.”

“It is. I won’t even lie, Bakari…somewhere inside of me, I still love her. I just know that she doesn’t feel the same about me. She doesn’t give a fuck about any of us when it comes to business. She was great at pretending but this is who she really is.” I wrapped my arms around myself in a loose hug and shrugged, trying to convince myself that the part of me who loved Mother was dead.

“I’m not going to pretend to know how you feel but I want you to know that if at any point this shit gets too hard, too deep, let me know and I’ll take over. I won’t be brash about it, but I’ll get it done if you need me to.”

My gaze darted away from his and I nodded. My nose burned, forcing me to sniffle. I had no idea where the hell all the emotions were coming from but they had no place in the Temple. I was there to do business, not evaluate my fucking feelings.

“Thank you,” I told him, rubbing his shoulder.

“You know I got you, Sanai.” He leaned down and kissed my lips slowly, helping all my stress fade away. His warm hands slid around to the small of my back while his tongue slipped inside my mouth.

I locked my arms around his neck, wanting as much of his closeness as I could get. I had no idea when I started needing him but he was my air all of a sudden. The thought of being without him left me gasping.

On the table, Takia began groaning and trying to move. I cursed under my breath at her for breaking up the moment I was having with my man.

The man who hadn’t officially asked me to be his woman yet.

Fuck that. He was still mine.

“Let’s handle this shit.” Bakari slapped my ass and I yelped from the quick zap of pain but literally seconds later I was grinning at him with hearts in my eyes.

“W-where am I?” Takia’s voice was groggy. She tried to sit up but the restraints held her in place.

“What’s up, nurse Takia?” Bakari walked around the table with so much swag I almost felt like he missed his calling as a hitter.

“What the fuck are you doing!” She thrashed against the restraints and I smiled at the spectacle. “Help! Help me!”

“Oh, no…there’s no help here,” I told her, tsking. “So, here’s how this shit is going to go, bitch. We’re going to ask you questions about my mother. You’re going to answer them. If you don’t…well…” I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Bakari who was wielding a scalpel. “You’re going to have surgery without anesthesia.”

“Please! I don’t know why I’m here. I swear!” Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes and I had to give her an A for effort.

“You don’t? Okay. Cool. Maybe once I start cutting, you’ll remember.” Bakari sliced down the middle of her shirt, exposing brown skin and a flat stomach. I noticed he was nice enough to cut below her bra, giving her some modesty.

I wouldn’t have been so kind. He had the scalpel, though.

He took a piece of gauze and dipped it into an iodine solution before rubbing it across her skin. “I’m going to make an incision now, Takia. Take a deep breath for me because this is going to hurt like a bitch.”