Page 79 of City of Gods

“Look at these fucking lips,” I marveled, sliding my thumb across her painted red bottom lip. “So soft and thick. If I could spend all day inside of you, kissing you, I would. I’d forget the world for you, baby girl.” My chest was tight as truths emptied out of me at an alarming rate.

“Bakari…” she whispered, leaning into my touch.

“Let me finish,” I begged, moving my hand to her throat. I squeezed gently and she nodded, wetting her lips. I was amazed at the way her lipstick never budged. She was magic. “I wish I knew how to paint so I could capture how gorgeous you are.” My eyes danced around her face. “I want you to say you’re mine. You already belong to me in my head. I just need to hear you say it.”

Please say it…

I urged her in my mind.

Sanai’s eyes fell shut and when she opened them again, they were wet. My eyebrows furled and my heart knocked harder in my chest. I hated seeing tears in her eyes. I hated anything that upset her.

“You’re drunk, Bakari.” Her words were thick with emotion. I knew I was beyond drunk but I meant every word I said. She was gorgeous and I cared about her.

I more than cared about her.

“I know but…” She put her finger over my lips and moved her neck from my hold.

“No buts. Lay down and get some rest. You’ve been through a lot today.” She pressed the sweetest kiss to my lips then pushed me backward on the bed.

She hit the lights and slid under the comforter with me, resting her head on my chest.

Maybe she was right. My eyes started closing the moment we plunged into darkness.

“Go to sleep, Bakari.” Her voice was a soft hum against the thin fabric of my tank top. Having someone tucked under me had never felt so right. Sanai’s solid weight and gentle embrace were doing something to me. Shifting emotions in my chest the burned to come out of my mouth.

“Okay,” I said, holding her tighter.

“Goodnight, baby.” There was no hesitation from her. She didn’t know it but she claimed me right then. She knew where she belonged and so did I.

“Goodnight. I love you, Sanai.” I only faintly heard myself groan the words through a yawn then I was out like a light.

“Get your ass up, Breeze. I got something for you,” Junior’s voice was way too fucking bright and loud when I hadn’t even cracked my eyes open yet. I draped my arm around Sanai’s waist then pinned the phone between my ear and shoulder so I could shield the sun from my eyes with my other hand.

“What the hell time is it, nigga?” I asked him.

“Time for you to get up. I waited respectfully for Rob to be laid to rest. Now it’s time to work. You and your girl are going to want to hear this. Be at my spot in twenty minutes.” That was the end of our conversation.

I dropped the phone on my chest and exhaled heavily. I was groggy as fuck and there was someone in my head wielding a jackhammer with reckless abandon. “Nai, wake up, baby girl.” I dropped kisses on her forehead and she stirred a little. “We gotta go to Junior’s.”

“What?” she muttered from beneath tangled hair. I brushed it out of her face and kissed her again, that time on the tip of her button nose. She was so fucking cute when she was disoriented. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to appreciate her fully.

I plucked the phone from my chest and opened Amazon. I searched for satin sleep bonnets and ordered several in different colors so that whenever Sanai was over, she didn’t have to worry about messing her hair up. I knew she took pride in how good she looked and shit, so did I.

After I’d hit order, she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair while forcing her eyes open. “Did you say we had to go to Junior’s? As in Baptiste?”

“Yeah. He just called me. Said to be there in twenty minutes. Both of us.” When I stood, Sanai’s tilted brown eyes tracked my movements. The little way she bit her plump bottom lip had me ready to risk being late to Junior’s. I paused on my way to the bathroom and allowed myself a second to fall into her beauty.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she sighed.

“Stop being so fucking fine fresh off the wake-up. You know what you look like.” I cracked a wide grin and she laughed a little, her face brightening. The gentle curve of her neck leading to delicate collarbones begged for my lips and teeth. If I didn’t get my ass in the shower, I was never going to get out of my bedroom. Sanai was the most gorgeous distraction I’d ever had.

“Why don’t we just shower together? It’ll be quicker,” Sanai followed me into the bathroom and stripped out of her bra and panties, pulling her hair up into a bun.

“Works for me,” I rubbed my hands together and tipped my head to the side taking in the flawless view of her waxed pussy and tight curves.

When we stepped in the shower together, I soaped up a washcloth and started washing Sanai’s back but when I got to that ass, I paused, sliding my finger between her full cheeks.