“I’m not telling you anything.” She laughed a little. “And the fact that you of all people think you can find me and end me is hilarious. You couldn’t even pull off a simple hit. Then again you couldn’t ever do anything I needed you to do.”
“Uh-huh. All your divisive head games aren’t affecting me anymore.”
“Listen to you. Trying to sound so tough. You don’t think I know that all you want is my love? You don’t think I know your kryptonite, Sanai? I gave it to you. Nothing you think you’re doing with your little boyfriend is going to stop my plan. I’ll take the Temple from him and his fucking brothers. I’ll start my empire, and I’ll make sure you never live to see any of that come to fruition.”
“I find that hard to believe since you’re hiding like a little bitch right now.” My nostrils flared as I pressed my ear to the phone trying to hear any kind of audible clues as to where she could be. A train horn, rain, background voices…anything. It was dead silent, though.
“Am I hiding or am I biding my time, Sanai? See, that’s the problem with you. You never understood the finer side of killing. You don’t always have to do everything immediately. Sometimes you wait…”
“Are you planning on killing someone, Mother?” I laughed. “Because the way I see it, you ran because you knew you violated the family code. You kept something from us. You used me to get what you wanted and when that didn’t work like you thought it would, you came after the Godwin brothers. Seems to me that you’re the one who can’t follow through with a fucking mission.”
“It doesn’t matter what you think. You won’t have brains much longer. You don’t hide very well. Never have.”
“Why would I hide from you?” I scoffed. “According to your father, I’m a better killer than you ever were.”
“Not too much better since I’m still breathing. I’m never telling you where I am.” She chuckled as I walked back into the kitchen with Ken. Since I realized a while ago Mother wasn’t going to give up her location, I at least wanted my sister to hear the manipulative bitch she was riding so hard for. “In fact,” Mother continued, “I’m done with all of you incompetent motherfuckers. I knew I could never bring any of you along on this ride to the top I’m about to take. I should have killed all of you before you found my fucking coke.” As Mother’s words registered, Kenya became more alert. She held her head straighter and blinked as if to listen closely.
“Aw, even your precious Kenya and Eli? You love them more than life itself.” My sarcasm was heavy and thick.
“I don’t know what you did to Ken, but I can assure you that every child I had was for my benefit. Even you. Kenya and Eli are no different and they will end up in a fucking river just like you and your pathetic father.” With that, she ended the call and I laughed, shaking my head.
“Your mother is becoming unglued, Ken. You keep riding for her, though. Keep letting her pull your little heartstrings. When she’s done with you, come join the rest of us in the river.”
“She…she knew you were baiting her. She knew. She didn’t mean that, Sanai.” Kenya’s voice was thick and trembling.
“Okay. You keep thinking that. In fact, I’m going to let you sit here with your thoughts for a while. I’ll be back later.”
“You can’t leave me here like this!” Panic streaked her usually cool tone.
“Oh?” I picked up my gun and hers. “Watch me.” I tore off another strip of silver duct tape and stretched it across her mouth. “Can’t have you screaming and alerting neighbors.” I tapped the side of her face with my palm and she flinched. She couldn’t talk but boy did her eyes tell a tale of hatred when she looked at me.
“I’ll take this, too. For safe keeping.” I waved her phone in front of her face and turned, leaving her in the kitchen alone.
Hakim, Maasai, and I sat in Marcus’ restaurant with Rob’s mother going over the menu for his repast. We were 24 hours out from the funeral and all the finalizations were being made. Marcus offered to host the repast for free and while he couldn’t be the one who personally cooked everything because he had to go out of town, he was introducing us to his sous chef, Lyric Watson.
“I’m used to eatingyourfood, Marc, but I don’t know about Miss Watson. She might not be able to live up to your standards,” Hakim said, stretching his arms above his head.
“I’m sure she’ll do just fine,” Rob’s mother interjected. She had been quiet and contemplative the entire time. Mainly seeming like she was in her own little world. Every time the conversation picked up, she’d drift away, her eyes fixed on another place and time. I wondered if she was reliving her favorite memories of Rob over the years. I did that sometimes.
“Thank you, Mrs. Pierre. I’ll make sure everything is toyourliking.” Lyric made sure to drop extra emphasis on the word your while she nailed Hakim with a glare.
“You really think my sous chef would be subpar, Hakim? Come on now. You’ve known me for how long?” Marcus held his hands out with a wide grin then shook his head. “Lyric has trained under world-renowned South African and French chefs. She’s trained under me and I have a Michelin star.”
“Then why doesn’t she have her own spot yet?” Hakim asked, looking between Lyric and Marcus.
“None of that matters right now. Let’s just get through tomorrow and they y'all can bicker all you want.” Maasai waved his hand and then stood.
“I don’t bicker, Mr. Godwin. I only intend to show up and prove myself,” Lyric responded with a sure nod. She didn’t even give Hakim the pleasure of glancing his way before she excused herself, turned, and left. I caught the way my brother’s eyes lingered on Lyric’s ass when she exited.
I couldn’t blame him.
She was gorgeous. Deep brown skin and coffee-colored eyes with thick lips and a pretty smile. She had plenty of hips, thighs, and ass that created a lush landscape. I blinked a few times, shaking her thick body from my brain. Even though she was fine, she wasn’t Sanai.
Lately, she’d been the only thing that stopped my mind from spiraling into a deep state of grief and depression. I mean, I still found myself there sometimes but it was a place I could crawl out of.
“Damn, you wanna unglue your eyes from her ass?” Maasai chuckled in a quiet tone. Hakim shook his head and frowned.