Page 67 of City of Gods

It was like pieces of dust blowing off a framed picture to reveal the full vision.

My nostrils flared and I stood to my feet.

“I need to see Bakari,” I told her, my words wobbling. I needed to get the fuck out of that stuffy ass office. The lesson plan could wait. The longer I stayed between those four walls, the less my lungs expanded.

“Why? You know Father doesn’t want—”

“I don’t give a fuck what he wants!” The words leaped from my mouth, leaving Zee stunned. “I’m tired of going by the goddamn book. I’m sick of following the rules of a family business that didn’t want me. Shit, of a family that didn’t want me.”

“Don’t say that, Sanai. I always wanted you.” Zee’s eyes narrowed at me but I didn’t back down.

“Look, you’re about the only one I don’t have a serious issue with. I love you, Zara. I don’t know if that’s how Mother and Father designed it, but I love you nonetheless. I’m not following protocol this time, though. You can do what you want with that information. You can run to Father or Ken or Eli or whoever the fuck, but I want this done. It’s stressing me out and I don’t get stressed out. Not over a job.”

Zee was quiet while I grabbed my bag and my keys, then she stood. “Let me come with you, Nai.” She put her hand on my forearm, a gentle gesture that held no malice and I saw it in her eyes. I still shook her hand off me. A small, quick smile bent my lips.

“No. You stay here. I don’t know when I’ll end up linking with Bakari. I have some things to do first. I need to do shit my way for once. I need to do something without explaining myself or seeking approval. I’m done.”

“Okay, well…if you need me, call me.” I saw the apprehension in her eyes, but I ignored it.

When I left the church, I had a plan in mind. A location that I had to go to before I could find Bakari and ask him how things went with Junior.

I drove to Kenya’s where I knew she was hiding out, moping over our mother. I didn’t park in her driveway because I knew she had cameras focused there and I didn’t want her avoiding me. Instead of going to the front door, I went to the open side window and flipped the screen lock before sliding it open and bending to step through.

The second my feet hit the floor, I heard the click of a gun. I stood slowly and turned around to see my older sister aiming right at my head. “Either shoot me or put that shit down,” I sighed, smoothing my trench coat. “Why the fuck do you have your window open as cold as it is, Ken?”

“Because for some reason the goddamn thermostat keeps trying to bake my ass. I’m waiting for the repair man to come over.” She put the safety on the gun but didn’t put it down as she watched me. “Why the fuck are you climbing through my side window, Sanai?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t answer the door.”

“You’re right. I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Too bad. I’m here now.”

“I can always put a bullet in you.” She shrugged.

“You could…but I’d still be here and it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been shot.” We stared at each other silently then she sighed and dropped her shoulders. She put the gun down on a nearby side table and folded her arms.

“What do you want? I don’t know where Mother is.”

“I didn’t think you did. You do know what her burner number is, though. Don’t you?” Ken’s eyes shifted away from me and when they shifted back, they were cold and unblinking. That one little shift was all I needed to see.

“No, Sanai.” Her tone was flat and not at all like it was when I’d first climbed through the window.

“No?” I took a few steps toward her, my arms folded, mirroring her stance. “You were the only one of her children who was thoughtful enough to warn her. You’re her favorite, Ken. You don’t think I know she reached out to you at least once with a point of contact in case you needed to run and snitch to her again?”

“I didn’t snitch,” Kenya hissed through clenched teeth.

“You definitely did. I’m not about to sit here and discuss it with you, though. Just give me the burner number. I have questions I need answered.”

“Then find her yourself. You’re such a good little killer, right, baby sis? The best. You, who only had one mission so far which you’ve managed to fuck up royally. Go find Mother and talk to her yourself.”

I was tired of Ken wasting my time already. In one swift motion, I pulled my gun from my trench coat pocket and backed my sister against the nearest wall with a thud. She tried to push me back but we were similarly sized so she didn’t make any headway.

“Really, bitch?” she sneered at me, baring her teeth in a growl.

“Really. You said it yourself. I’m the best, right? Such a…what did you say, Ken?” I asked, smirking. “Such a good little killer?” I pulled my gun-wielding hand back and slammed the butt of my pistol against the side of her face, making her head rock from the impact.

A nasty gash opened on her cheek, releasing a trickle of crimson that stopped just at her jawline. Kenya pressed her tongue against her inner cheek and glared at me with so much malice it was papable.