Page 60 of City of Gods

“Not here,” Bakari said. His voice was sharp and unforgiving. I knew it was driving Eli crazy that he had to be civil to a Godwin.

“Is Maasai coming?”

“Nah. He’s working. Do you know what ‘I’m the only one here’ means, Eli?”

“Fuck you. Scan me in.”

“Have a seat. Like I said, it’s going to take longer than usual.”

“You run this place. Why don’t you know what the hell you’re doing?” Eli fussed. I shook my head because his mouth was what got him beat the fuck up in the first place.

“I know exactly what I’m doing.” I heard the sound of Bakari’s fingers flying over keys on a keyboard and my mind couldn’t help thinking back to when those fingers were inside of me, making me come.

I let a small shiver rip through me.

“Where’s my sister?” Eli demanded. “I saw her car behind the gate so I know she’s somewhere in here.”

“She’s upstairs,” Bakari answered coolly.

“She’s right here.” I walked from around the corner and ignored the way Bakari frowned at me. “I see you took my advice and brought your ass in here to get fixed.” I folded my arms loosely and Eli eyed me with palpable disdain. His lips shifted to one side and he slouched more in his seat.

“I see you didn’t take Father’s advice and brought your ass over here.”

“He never said I shouldn’t come to the Temple. He said to leave our significant others out of it.”

“And you ran right the fuck over here to tell your boyfriend about what happened in our family meeting.” His voice rose and swelled along with his chest as he sat up straighter.

“Woah, hold up,” Bakari chuckled as he stepped around the counter. My eyes dropped to his feet when I realized he never put his shoes back on after we fucked. “I’m going to ask you nicely to watch your tone in the Temple unless you want to be refused service.” He held his hand out peacefully but after what Bakari had been through, he was not the same peaceful man he used to be. I saw it in the gleam in his eyes even if Eli couldn’t pick up on it. This version of Bakari looked for confrontation and that was exactly what he was doing with Eli.

“I’m talking to my little sister and I’ll talk to her however the fuck I want to.” Now Eli was on his feet, shoulders squared.

“Eli, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Did you not learn your lesson?” I positioned myself between them and dared one of them to move me. Lucky for them, nobody tried it. “Now, Bakari, you’re going to help Eli with whatever he needs, and Eli, you’re going to let him do his job and follow Temple protocols. Got it?” I looked at my brother and he nodded, then I looked at Bakari and he did the same. Damn, it was like dealing with two hormonal teenage boys.

“I still don’t know how you ended up fucking with one of the Godwin brothers like you don’t know better.” Eli flopped back into a chair and winced once his stupid ass realized how broken he was.

“Maybe Sanai knows what she likes.” Bakari smirked then handed Eli his temporary ID after scanning his cross tattoo which was located on his inner forearm nestled in a cluster of other tattoos.

“Nai, tell me you ain’t really this nigga’s girl.” Eli stared at me through swollen eyes, pleading with me for this all to be some kind of lie.

“Who said I was his girl?” I quipped, rolling my eyes.

“The fact that neither one of you motherfuckers has on shoes,” he pointed out, aiming his finger between Bakari and me.

“Not wearing shoes doesn’t mean she’s my girl. Might mean we were…”

“Bakari, I swear to god I will chop you in your fucking throat.” I gritted my teeth, forcing my words out.

“Okay,” he laughed, shaking his head. “I was just going to clear up some misconceptions for your brother.”

“You need to learn how to shut the fuck up sometimes. I swear, y'all are like the same man in different bodies.” I rubbed my forehead and walked over to the elevators, leaving them both standing there looking stupid.

They could continue with their pissing contest, but I wasn’t going to be a part of it. Besides, I had too much on my mind to fool with them.

What the hell was going on with me and Bakari?

We’d said a lot of things that needed clarification but now wasn’t the time. There were more pressing things at hand.

Like finding my mother and killing her.