“Has it?” I blinked, looking over my shoulder to see the bright light washing the ceiling. “Shit,” I huffed, stepping out of the cocoon of steam that enveloped us. I grabbed the phone and called Zara back immediately. “Hey Zee,” I smiled into the phone.
“Where are we meeting because we need to fucking talk. I’m done with your mother.” Fire and smoke crackled between her words.
“O…kay,” I breathed. I felt something soft and warm wrap around me and looked to see Bakari draping a warmed towel over my shoulders. He leaned down and kissed my temple before walking into his bedroom. The entire moment left me speechless. It was something so quick and thoughtful. Something so fucking sweet. I wasn’t used to sweet, especially not from Bakari. We were always at each other’s throats.
“Hello?” Zee snapped.
“Um, right. Do you know where Bakari lives?” I asked, sucking in a breath.
“As in Dr. fucking Breeze? The fine ass, chauvinistic asshole?” she asked.
“Yeah. Him.” I walked into the bedroom behind Bakari and watched him smooth lotion onto his beautiful dark skin then step into a pair of blue boxer briefs.
“Eli said you were losing your mind.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” I frowned, pulling my eyes away from the feast in front of me. “It makes sense to meet here…and honestly, I’m tired of fucking talking about it. I’ll be here. Y'all come if you want but we need to talk to the Godwin brothers.” Bakari put on deodorant and then put on a simple white t-shirt along with a pair of deep gray sweats.
I tried to remember if I’d ever seen him so dressed down. He usually wore suits or button-down shirts and slacks. Not tonight. Tonight he was stripped bare and I still liked what I saw.
“Fine. You know Father isn’t going to go for this shit, though. He needs to be in on the meeting, too. We can’t have it without him.”
“Call Ken and I’ll deal with Father.” I inhaled deeply then ended the call with Zee. I could talk to my siblings all day and bite their heads off but my father was a different story. We were super close but I still had respect for him. I still loved and revered him.
“You good?” Bakari asked, looking at me. His skin was seriously glowing and his waves were making me seasick.
“Yeah. I’m going to call my father and see if he’ll come through. I feel like we all need to talk. I don’t know what my mother is doing, but if she’s getting into the drug game, she’s not discussing it with us. That goes against our family creed.
We share all information with each other. The truth is of the utmost importance in a family like ours. We might fight and all that but if we start doing dirt and hiding it, it’s considered a betrayal of the highest form. So far, she’s up to her eyes in secrets and I’m over it.”
“So, you knew nothing about the attempt to destabilize the Temple or the coke? Or…” His expression tightened and he looked down for a second.
“No, I didn’t know she planned to come after you and I wouldn’t have let that shit happen. I was under the impression that she wanted to take out Junior. That’s it. Kill the head of the snake and the body drops. She’s been lying to all of us.”
My phone rang in my hand and I looked at the screen. It was Father.
Bakari and I locked eyes for a moment and he gave me the smallest nod. Even though it was minute, it bolstered my confidence enough for me to press the phone to my ear. My heart was pounding through my skull but I managed to speak. “Hello, Father.”
“Sanai…” He exhaled and managed to sound so tired from that one action. “We need to talk now. I don’t care what you’re doing or who you’re with but…”
“I know. I’m trying to get everyone over here to Bakari Godwin’s house. His brothers will be here, too.” After I explained everything to him, there was a long pause on the other end of the phone. “Father, are you there?” I pressed my ear harder against the slick screen.
“I’m here, Sanai. I suppose it’s best to hash things out with the targets of your mother’s little plan. I’ll be there in ten.” The line went dead and I dropped my phone to the bed, letting my shoulders fall like a ton of bricks.
“He’s coming. I think everyone is coming.” I lifted my eyes to meet Bakari’s and he was already watching me.
“Good. Let’s figure this shit out.” He reached into his dresser drawer and handed me one of his t-shirts. I took it gladly and clutched it to my body. He handed me a pair of sweatpants next. “Sorry if they’re too big,” he said with a shrug.
“No, this is fine. Thanks, Bakari.” A small smile pushed my cheeks up.
“Can I ask you a question before I go let my brothers in?” I nodded in response, dropping my towel. Bakari’s mouth opened and closed then he cleared his throat. “What’s the penalty in your family for this type of betrayal?”
My stomach tightened and the fine hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention. Millions of tiny antennae scattered across my skin.
“Death.” I swallowed, hoping it didn’t sound as loud as it felt. Bakari narrowed his eyes, understanding blanketing his face.
“Good.” He stepped out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Thoughts that swarmed me like the night sky falling around me.