“Sanai, what the fuck? Why do you keep inserting yourself into this man’s life? You tried to fucking off him.”
“I’m doing something. Something I didn’t ask you to be a part of, so you don’t have to worry about it. Okay?”
“No, not okay. You’re my little sister and my job is to look out for you and keep your stupid ass alive because you keep asking for trouble.”
“I’m not asking for trouble.” The look Zee shot me in return would have withered someone who didn’t grow up eating those pointed expressions for breakfast. “I’m not!” I squeaked. “Look, your mother said she didn’t want me doing missions for or with the family, right? So I’m doing shit on my own. Let me work.”
“Let you work? Little girl, I swear if I have to plan your funeral…”
“Then make sure I look like a bad bitch in my casket.” I smiled and hurried my ass out of the church before she could catch me and lay into me again.
“Nai! Get your black ass back here!”
Her voice trailed behind me as I ducked out of an exit door and got bathed in the harsh Sunday sunshine. Trying to escape my big sister only forced me to run right into my father. His broad chest became a wall in front of me, halting my steps instantly.
“Jesus, Nai. Watch where you’re going.” He gripped my shoulders, steadying me.
“Sorry, Father. I was trying to get away from Zara,” I confessed.
“Well, I don’t blame you.” His chuckle was deep and comforting. He pulled me against his side and dropped a kiss to the top of my head. “Listen, if you’re not busy, can you swing by your mother’s private office and pick up some papers on her desk? Bring them to me, though. I was supposed to get them for her, but I have something else to do. I put your brother on the job but you know Eli. He’ll stare at something in his damn face and say he didn’t see it.”
“So, now I have to babysit Eli because he can’t pick up a damn paper by himself? Isn’t he older than me? How am I the responsible one between us?” I tossed my hand in the air and Father chuckled at me.
“Help me out, Nai.” Even though things were rocky between Mother and I, my relationship with my father was decent. I pulled in a deeply dramatic sigh and nodded my head, agreeing to make sure Eli got Mother’s papers.
When I pulled up to my mother’s private office, Eli was pulling into a parking spot at the same time. I hadn’t even told him that I was coming to make sure he got the papers. It tickled me knowing I’d walk up right behind him and scare the fuck out of him while also pissing him off. I lived to piss off my siblings. As the baby of the family, it was my duty.
I waited until Eli disappeared into the office building before I got out so he wouldn’t see me. I walked into the building and took the elevator to my mother’s floor. She kept a private office to deal with her clients away from the prying eyes of churchgoers and people who knew her around town. Whatever she needed from her desk must have been for a job if she only wanted Father to get it.
Mother’s office was the last one at the end of the hall. She never went for the flashy penthouse because she didn’t want people to know she was even in the building. I heard the soft click of the door close behind Eli, and I hurried down the hall. I swept the area quickly before using the PIN to get in. Clearly, she hadn’t thought to change it so I didn’t have access anymore since she was blocking me from the family business.
When I stepped inside, I couldn’t help the goofy ass smile that spread across my face at the sight of Eli’s back as he stared down at Mother’s desk. He jerked his head up and looked over his shoulder, his hand poised at his hip until he noticed it was me.
“What the fuck, Sanai?” he grumbled, scowling heavily.
“Father sent me to make sure you got the papers.”
“What the fuck for? I’m not stupid. He said it’s in her bottom drawer.” He removed his hand from his hip where I knew his gun was tucked and went back to scouring Mother’s desk.
“If it’s in her bottom drawer, then why are you looking on top of the desk? See, this is why Father sent me.” I moved him out of the way and sat in Mother’s white leather swivel chair.
“Fuck you.” I ignored his insult and went for the bottom drawer of the desk only to find it was locked. I rolled my eyes and looked where I knew she kept spare keys at home.
I grabbed the bible from her desk and flipped to the back where I knew the hollow compartment was and retrieved the desk key. Eli swore all out he was about to do the same thing. His lying ass.
The drawer slid open quietly but something was stopping it from opening all the way. I tugged several times but could only get the drawer to open a couple of inches. Eli sucked his teeth and brushed my hand away from the drawer so he could try.
“You weigh like 90 pounds. You can barely open an envelope, Sanai.”
“How about I open your fucking chest, nigga? And I don’t weigh 90 goddamn pounds.”
“You talk a lot of shit for someone who’s out of the family business.”
“You talk a lot of shit for someone who can’t follow simple instructions.” Eli and I fussed back and forth for a few seconds before his hand slid up and something heavy fell. The office fell silent as we exchanged curious glances.
“Shit, did we break it?” I asked, barely above a whisper.