Page 33 of City of Gods

“So, maybe we can kill him and get it over with, shit. I’m not about to be living scared.” I agreed with Hakim, but I was weary of trying to take down a motherfucker like Junior. He wasn’t an easy target and just because we took him out didn’t mean his men would leave us alone.

Sanai snorted at Hakim’s words. “You want to off Junior Baptiste? Hakim, be fucking for real. His men could fill this entire building up and still have more waiting to get in. You kill him and you’ll start a war. Now, normally, I don’t agree with shit Bakari has to say but this time, I think y'all should lay low. I’m telling you.”

“And what exactly do you propose we do while people are coming in here with guns, trying to kill us? Wait for you to get inside information?” I asked. The ice in my tone was evident and harsh. Sanai didn’t blink, though.

“I move fast,” she responded, tossing a little ice back my way. “Until then, shut this shit down. People will have to figure it out themselves if they get hurt.”

“No,” Maasai grumbled, slapping his hand down on the table. “The Temple isn’t getting shut down. We help too many people.”

“Agreed,” I said, sitting up straighter. “We can’t shut down. It would send off too many alarms to the people we work with.”

“And you don’t think shooting three men tonight is going to set off alarms, Bakari?” she fired right back.

“What happens in the Temple stays here. You know that,” Hakim reminded her.

“You’re stupid as hell if you don’t think anyone else in here heard those shots.”

“Niggas hear shots in here all the time. It’s not unheard of. They’ll brush it off. I’m sure it’s not the worst thing they’ve heard.” She stared at me, anger starting to knit a frown between her shaped brows. “Look, what are we doing about this? We need to decide now. We can’t leave here tonight with no plan after what happened.”

“Hate to say it, but I agree with Bakari,” Hakim sighed.

“Why the fuck does everyone hate agreeing with me?” I asked, looking around the room.

“Because you’re annoying,” Sanai explained.

“No more than the rest of y'all.”

“Listen, Sanai, go ahead and get whatever info you can but we’re going to call a meeting with Junior. You won’t be implicated,” Maasai told her.

“That’s what the hell I’m talking about.” Hakim clapped his hands together and stood. “When are we meeting with him?”

“Tomorrow, if he’s available.” I looked at Maasai and he nodded, letting me know he agreed with that timeline. “Sanai, take a week to gather info and let us know what you find.”

“I can do that.” She stood and my eyes immediately drank her in inch by inch. “Bakari, walk me to my car.” She gave me a passing glance before leaving the room and I shook my head, standing to my feet. She knew better than to give me time to respond because I would have had a mouthful to say back.

“Hop to, nigga.” Hakim chuckled and folded his arms, watching me make my way to the door. I made sure to hit his shoulder with mine on the way out.

When I caught up to Sanai, she was staring down at her phone again and I stole a few seconds to watch how intensely she watched the text screen in front of her. “Tell your man I’ll make sure you make it to your car safely.” I brushed the shell of her ear with my lips and she sucked in a quick breath.

“I don’t have a man and you know it. I’m texting Junior’s boy. Setting some shit up now since I don’t have a lot of time and need to work fast.”

“Better not have a man.” I sniffed and held the door open for her to switch her slender hips out of.

“And if I did, what the fuck were you going to do about it?” She spun around to stare at me with pure fucking mischief glinting in her cat eyes.

“I wouldn’t have to do anything. You know who daddy is.” My eyes roamed her tight landscape of lines and curves. I already wanted her again.

“Oh my god. Please don’t call yourself daddy around me. I have a father and my daddy issues don’t run that deep.” The smart-ass way she spoke and the way she rolled her eyes with so much attitude made me yank her over to me.

“So you saying I can’t make you call me daddy, Sanai?” My voice was low and my mouth was inches from hers. That tough girl façade wobbled a little. Enough to make her thick lashes flutter.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she said, finding her voice again.

“You want to bet?” My hand eased up the back of her warm neck. I squeezed tighter than she’d anticipated. The sharp gasp that left her open mouth sounded like a pain and pleasure cocktail that threatened to get me drunk as fuck.

“Bakari, don’t you have work to do?”

“I do.” I nodded and released her neck. “You asked me to walk you to your car, though. Actually,” I held up a single finger. “You demanded it with your bossy ass.”