Page 27 of City of Gods

Less than two minutes later, Bakari walked over and motioned for Dice to lower his gun. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re banned.” He paused, then looked at me from head to toe. “Wait, are you hurt?” The deep concern in his voice gave me pause.

“No, I’m not…” I swallowed, almost wishing I was hurt because I wanted to know what he would do if I was. Would he make sure I was taken care of? “I just knew you wouldn’t let me know what you and your brothers talked about so…”

“So you took it upon yourself to risk being seen coming to the Temple just to be nosey? Do you have a therapist?” he asked, shaking his head. “Because you need to talk to someone about your impulsivity.”

“I’m not impulsive,” I shot back, leveling a frown in his direction.

“You are.”

“How? I knew I was going to come here right after you left. That’s not impulsive. It’s pre-meditated.”

“It’s you being fucking nuts standing out here when you know you’re banned,” he fired back, tossing his hand in the air, then rubbing his forehead.

“You want to stand out here arguing all night, Bakari, or do you want to let me in?” I was tired of the back and forth, even though seeing him frown like that was kind of sexy.

Okay, it was sexy as fuck.

I liked seeing him riled up. I needed to learn how to ruffle him like that on purpose. It turned me into a river and I wasn’t mad at it. Something about those big, pretty eyes of his had me dripping.

“You expect me to risk getting yelled at by Maasai because I broke protocol?” He pressed his palm to his chest and looked at me like I was insane.

“Well, we’re standing here shouting back and forth, so we might as well do it inside so we don’t call attention to ourselves.” I shrugged.

“We don’t have to argue at all if I close this motherfucking door in your face, Sanai.”

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, though?” I was the one frowning now because even as sexy as he was and as good as his dick was, I wasn’t about to let him talk to me like he was crazy.

“I’m talking to you. I’m damn sure not talking to Dice. He listens and does what he’s asked to do.”

“I’m not your goddamn puppy, Bakari. I don’t know if you noticed or not.”

“You’re not? I couldn’t tell by the way I had you whimpering and whining not too long ago.” There was that arrogant smirk again and this time, I jumped to wipe it off his face. I lunged at him, trying to plow through Dice to get to him, but Dice was a wall.

“I still haven’t put the safety back on my gun yet, Sinclair. Don’t fucking play with me.” Dice growled in my ear as he pulled me away from Bakari.

“Fuck you, Bakari! That was some bitch ass shit you just said.” I tugged away from Dice and flipped him and Bakari off from my spot.

“What the hell is going on?” Hakim poked his head around the corner and peered at me out of the Temple’s check-in doors. He took a bite of a burrito, then looked over at his brother. “Why is she here?”

“She’s nosey,” Bakari huffed in response. Hakim shook his head and took another bite of his burrito then swallowed before proceeding to fuss at his brother.

“She can’t be nosey if you tell her shit, Bakari. You told her about the meeting tonight, didn’t you?” Hakim stared at his little brother, waiting for an answer. I wanted to see this shit myself because Hakim was the goofball between the three of them so to see him coming down on Bakari was interesting.

Also, looking at Hakim wasn’t horrible. That man was fine as fuck. Three fine-ass brothers seemed like overkill. Why would they all exist at the same time when I could only have one?

Before I could dissect my random thoughts, Hakim looked past me and down the street. Someone was turning into the Temple’s parking lot.

Dice stepped outside and moved me to the right so he could see who was approaching. Two men hopped out of the car, one bleeding and the other helping him walk. All of us exchanged glances and Hakim sighed and mentioned something about his burrito under his breath.

“Bring her ass in,” he told Bakari. “We can’t have niggas lingering outside.” After a short stare-down, Bakari sucked his teeth and reached outside, yanking me in by my arm. It wasn’t tender from the gunshot last week, but I did play it up when he yanked me just to teach him a lesson.

“Ouch. I got shot there, remember?” I fussed, gesturing to my arm. He dropped it quickly then shook his head.

“You shot yourself. No sympathy.” He pulled me out of the way of the check-in counter so that we were near the small group of chairs that held patients who were waiting.

I watched Dice scan the bleeding man in and call Rob to bring him up. While he was getting the guy ready for transport, another person walked up nursing what looked to be a stab wound on his side. Dice checked him in and got him ready to be brought up as well. Several more men filed in after that. All bleeding and in need of medical attention.

A middle-aged woman came out with a rolling bucket of what had to be bleach water and something in a spray bottle. She cleaned up the droplets of blood left behind like it was nothing, which to her it probably wasn’t.