Page 45 of Legion of Kings

“You sound just like my sister,” Juju sighed, rolling her eyes.

“I need Stan’s last name,” I told her matter-of-factly. Her eyes narrowed to cat-like slits. She wanted to kill me. “Now,” I barked. I already knew there was no intimidating Juju though.

“No. Fuck you for putting me on the spot like that, King.” She shoved me, throwing a punch afterward that crashed against my jaw. It stung like a motherfucker too.

“Yo, hold up, chill,” Truck said, stepping between me and Juju. He picked her up like she weighed nothing and carried her out of the room.

I followed them into the living room and sent Truck to the room with Pretty Boy. I needed to talk to Juju alone.

“Leave me the fuck alone, King.” Her voice shook with anger.


“Ugh, fucking asshole.” She stormed outside to the balcony and I followed again.

“You gonna jump off the balcony to get away from me?” I asked, walking up on her.

“No. Obviously, I’d push you over.” Her snark was still there. Good.

“I need that last name, Ju.”

“I told you that story in private. If I wanted all the Kings to know, I would have broadcasted it.”

“Nobody knows what happened to you. I wouldn’t do that. But just so you know, Legion of Kings don’t play that shit when it comes to rape and hurting women.”

“So you don’t rob women?” Her eyebrow jerked up inquisitively.

“Oh, we rob them. Just don’t kill them or rape them. Taking money is different from taking pussy. If you were to tell your brothers what happened to you, they’d kill him on your behalf. That’s how we roll. We protect each other. You don’t have shit to be ashamed of, Jupiter. What he did to you…what all his friends did…” It was so hard keeping my composure. I wanted to murder Stan’s entire lineage.

The pain in Juju’s voice, when she told me what happened, was almost unbearable. I was trapped in my own body listening to her relive one of her most horrible moments. I already knew before she finished talking that Stan had to die and she had to do it.

I’d find his friends later on, and the four kings would ride out and remove them from the earth once the sun went down.

“I don’t like people knowing what happened. Especially men. They look at me like I’m a jump-off and…”

“Hey, nah…” I touched the side of her face and marveled at how smooth and soft it was against my rough palm. “You’re not a jump-off, Jupiter. Nobody in here is going to treat you like that. We’re a family. We’re not here to pass you around. That shit damn sure ain’t happening on my watch. I’ll protect you.”

The ice she guarded herself with thawed when she looked up at me. “You’re going to protect me?”

“Yeah. I got you, Juju. Fucking pain in my ass, but I got you.” I let my hand fall away from her face. “We all got you. The Kings, I mean.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and tried to ignore how dry my throat was.

“I got you too, King. I mean…all of y'all.” She smirked a little and I pushed her playfully.

“You still mad at me?” I asked, walking closer to her.

“So mad.” She chewed on her bottom lip and I glanced over my shoulder, making sure Pretty Boy and Truck weren’t in there watching, then I kissed her.

Just like I knew it would, the kiss turned savage. Juju hopped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and turning my dick to a solid rod of steel.

“God, I hate you so much but…that dick though,” she panted.

“Addictive, ain't it?” One side of my mouth tipped up in a smirk and she rolled her eyes. I rested her on the balcony railing, sucking and kissing on her neck while she moaned and tugged at my shirt.

“I want to see your body,” she breathed, pulling back from me. “It’s so fucking beautiful.” Lust danced in her pretty cognac eyes and I felt my chest tighten. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the side. It landed on the patio couch. She was about to get whatever she wanted, including this dick.

“Fuck. Yes. King,” she purred. It made me feel like my namesake. I pulled her off the rail and turned her around, pushing her over and inching her dress up until her ass was exposed. Jupiter was wearing a sexy ass pair of black thongs underneath.

“You wore these for me, didn’t you? You knew damn well that nigga at the restaurant wasn’t going to see or appreciate this.”