Page 43 of Legion of Kings


Whoever she was on a date with didn’t deserve the show she put on for them. Jupiter was a work of art and she knew it too.

“I was what?” I asked, blinking, and refocusing on her eyes.

“Worth it. You were worth being adopted. The right family never came along. That’s what I tell myself when I start feeling worthless.” I wanted to snap at her and tell her that I was King Pierce. I never felt worthless, but the problem with that was…she lived the same life I did, so she would have known it was bullshit.

I did feel worthless sometimes because nobody had ever chosen me. It was an ache that lived in the background of my life, throbbing through every choice I made and every person I brought close. I was done being chosen. I was doing the choosing.

“Thank you,” I said simply, before leading her up the stairs and through the front door of the apartment.

Truck’s head popped up first when he saw Juju. “Queen, what’s up!” He stood and she hugged him like they’d known each other forever.

“Truck! Hey!” Jupiter chirped.

“Damn, I can’t believe you’re at the four kings’ headquarters. You must be a shoo-in.” He grinned at her like she was every star in the sky. He reverted to the Truck I knew when we were kids. Always happy and friendly.

“Of course I’m a shoo-in. You’ve met me,” she smirked.

“Yeah, you might be a shoo-in but you need to cover that shit up,” Pretty Boy eyed Jupiter’s body in the curve-hugging dress and flicked his gaze toward me. Shit, I knew how bad she was. I just had my fingers deep in her perfect little pussy.

Under different circumstances, Jupiter would be wifey material after I tamed her a little more. I didn’t do relationships but…I’d be willing to do something different when it came to her. The more time I spent around her, the harder it was to hate her. Arguing with her still made my dick hard though.

“What? This?” Juju lifted the hem of her dress and Pretty Boy groaned, sliding his hands down his face.

“Cut that shit out, Ju,” Truck warned with a brotherly tone to his voice.

“What? I’m just fucking with y'all, Jesus. I’m a girl. You act like you’ve never seen a girl before.”

“We have but not a girl that’s about to become a brother,” Pretty Boy explained. “Yo, King let me holler at you over here.” We walked into his bedroom which was laid out with all the latest computer and gaming tech. He shut the door behind us and sat in the computer chair at his desk.

“What’s up, man?” I asked, sitting on the bed, tossing the football he had on the floor in the air and catching it.

“I observed Juju today. Just got back a few minutes before y'all did.” He let his words hang in the air and I knew what he was about to say.

“Whatever you think you saw didn’t mean shit, Pretty Boy,” I told him, my jaw ticking.

“I saw Jupiter leave her apartment with another girl and two guys. They went out to eat, then you pulled up and killed the entire date. What the fuck was that shit, King? What wasallof that shit? You fucking her like Sumo said?”

I sat up, resting my elbows on my knees. This was the reason I didn’t want her in the Legion of Kings. Drama.

“Like I said, whatever you saw didn’t mean shit. I’m not explaining myself to you or Sumo or anyone else.”

“Except we’re your brothers and we run this shit too. I need to know if she’s a liability because your fucking nose is open.”

“My nose ain’t open,” I stated. My voice was stone. Nobody had me open. I liked fucking Jupiter. I could separate that from business.

“Looked like it to me, bro. You gave her your jacket. Y'all shared a blunt and you practically fucked her right against a tree. What do you call it, King? You broke Sumo’s jaw because he said he didn’t want her in the Kings and now I catch you digging in her pussy in public?”

“We’re not fucking,” I said, clenching my jaw. Hearing Pretty Boy or anyone else mentioning Jupiter’s pussy filled me with stupid rage. The kind that led to dumb-ass decisions like knocking Pretty Boy out.

“Then you’re about to start because y'all click too fucking well.”

“We hate each other,” I lied.

“Yeah, okay. If hate looks like what happened in Baldwin Hills, then you got the game fucked up, King. If you want her in with us as a King, leave her alone before…” He eyed me cautiously.

“Before what, man? Spit that shit out,” I snapped.