Page 57 of His Wolf Protector

I looked at Lucien.

He shrugged.

“Okay,” I agreed amused.

The dark-skinned guy retrieved a handful of bones from his pocket and knelt. Tossing them in front of him, he touched each noting their position relative to each other.

“They say that you are in love…”

I was about to be impressed when he added,

“…with a prophecy”.

I suppressed my laughter out of respect.

“I see.”

“You don’t what I’m talking about, but you will. When you do, you will be amazed.”

“I look forward to that,” I said humoring him. “Lucien, wasn’t there something we were supposed to be doing tonight?”

“You want to run,” the small man said as he collected his bones. “But you can’t run from this. My ancestors have foreseen it.”

I looked at Lucien wondering what I was supposed to say next.

“We thank you for your reading,” Lucien replied preparing to leave. “Keep your promise with the shifter.”

“I will restore his natural order,” the man said staring at us calmly.

“Good. Let’s go,” Lucien said leading me away.

When we had walked far enough down the alley that the man climbing into the van couldn’t hear us, I asked,

“What was that?”

“You know witches. There’s always some prophecy they’re rattling on about. Though, this is the first time I’ve heard of anyone being in love with one. Is it casual or are you in it for the long haul?” he joked.

“Me? Settle down with one prophecy? You know me better than that,” I said with a smile.

Lucien laughed.

“But, seriously,” I began. “How did you know the tiger was one of us? I couldn’t smell it. Not even up close.”

“Long story.”

“I have time.”

“I thought you said you wanted to run,” Lucien said changing the topic and hurrying ahead.

Catching up to him as he marched back up the alleyway, I stared at my childhood friend. He was not the person I had once known.

I had grown up with Lucien. For a while, the two of us were practically one. He knew all of my secrets and I had known his. I had even told him that I had been with guys.

“Sometimes I like a change of scenery,” I had told him playing it down.

“You’re French,” he had replied not batting an eye.

But that was then. Nothing I knew about him could have prepared me for tonight. Had he become some sort of shifter rescuer? Considering the complexity of his plan, this couldn’t have been his first heist.