Page 77 of His Wolf Protector

“What could you do? Run in guns blazing? If you weren’t shot dead the moment you stepped onto the lawn, you be torn to shred by wolves. Best case scenario would be that Armand gets arrested for killing you, but then gets off with a slap on the wrist for defending his property.”

Jimmy’s jaw clenched.

I looked back at Dillon hearing his voice in my head. He didn’t have to say anything to get me to approach Jimmy with a hand on his shoulder.

“Look, we’re gonna be okay. As long as everyone does what they are supposed to, we’ll all be in and out before Armand knows anything’s missing. After that, your people will examine the ledger to determine its legitimacy. Once that’s done, Armand gets arrested and the FBI convinces him not to retaliate on any of us,” I said clenching my jaw in doubt.

“I told you, this isn’t the FBI’s first wolf shifter or mafia boss. We know what we’re doing. He won’t be stupid enough to come after you once we’re done with him.”

“I hope so,” I replied still not trusting him.

Repeating the details of the plan until everyone was comfortable with it, I said good night and left with Lucien.

“You know, he’s good for you,” Lucien said as we drove back to my place.


“Yes, Dillon,” he said amused. “He mellows you out.”

“You think I need mellowing?”

“You have been known to be a little intense. Very single-minded. Not much thought.”

“I see. Care to mention anything else that’s wrong with me.”

“You’re defensive?” He said teasingly.

I laughed.

“If you knew what I’ve seen… the things I’ve done,” I said with a huff.

“We’ve all seen things. We’ve all done things that we didn’t want to and now have to find a way to live with. But that one, he calms your waters.”

“He does,” I admitted.

“You love him?” He asked getting more personal than he had in a long time.

“I do.”

“It shows,” Lucien said with a smile. “It’s a good thing.”

“It is,” I replied knowing how lucky I am.

“Now, about this plan. Do you really think this group will pull it off? I mean, Dillon is great for you but can he plant the bugs.”

“Dillon will be fine.”

“And the big guy who always looks like he’s about to shift, can you trust that he’ll be able to do what he has to when the time comes?”

“Let me tell you something about him. There’s no one in that room that I trust more.”

“I was in that room.”

“But you’ve never taken a bullet for me.”

Lucien’s mouth dropped open. “Remy, I love you, but…”

“Don’t worry. I feel the same,” I said snidely. “But that one, Cali, he’s the type you go into battle with.”