Page 69 of His Wolf Protector

Remy immediately obliged. I had never been fucked so hard in my life. If he wasn’t pinning me down, I would have slid away. And when the tingling ignited my body, it danced through me settling on my balls.

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” I shouted as my toes curled almost breaking.

“Ahhhh,” I yelled as my body clenched painfully and then released.

As I sprayed Remy’s body with my juices, Remy filled my insides. It didn’t take long for him to collapse on top of me. He was exhausted. So was I.

As much as feeling his body touch the sensitive skin of my cock sent me into a flurry of flinches, wrapping my arms around Remy made me relax. Everything felt so good that I could barely think straight. He was warm and comfortable and there was nowhere else in the world that I wanted to be. I never wanted this to end.

“I love you,” Remy whispered into my ear.

“I love you too,” I whispered back.

“I don’t ever want to be away from you again,” he said with heartbreaking emotion.

“You’re the only guy I ever wanted,” I told him knowing that I couldn’t leave him again if I tried.

It felt like we had laid there together forever, but eventually, we had to get up. Knowing we had to wash off, we returned to the ice bath of a pond. Showering in the waterfall, I couldn’t take my eyes off Remy. He had to be the most beautiful guy in the world and he was mine. I was willing to fight to the death to have him. Remy had become my everything.

Returning to the bed and breakfast hours after we had left, we found Cali and Hil on the back deck talking with two guys.

“These are my brothers, Titus and Claude,” Cali said to our surprise.

It wasn’t that they didn’t look like him. They did. It was more that Claude was black and he was darker than me.

Again looking for the family resemblance, it was unmistakable. When they smiled, their craterous dimples swallowed their face. God, were they hot. And if I understood their passing reference correctly, Titus was also dating a guy. Wow!

“I was thinking they could help us with that thing you were working on,” Cali told Remy.

“Why would you think that?” Remy replied employing the smile he used to mask his anger.

“They helped me keep Hil safe when…”

“When I came to get him?”

“When we were almost killed by a bomb,” Cali said annoyed.

“Right. And I’m grateful for that. But I’m sure these fine gentlemen have better things to do than… help me move,” Remy said talking in code.

“These are my brothers. If I asked them to “help you move,” they will. And I would think that you would be grateful because we need the help.”

“We don’t need help.”

“You think the four of us can handle that?” Cali said mocking Remy.

“Of course not,” Remy said defensively. “That’s why you hire professionals.”

“Professionals to… help you move?”


“You know professionals who could help you move?”

Remy was about to deploy his charm to dismiss the conversation when he froze. His charm was gone.

“I do,” Remy said surprised.

He turned to me.