Plus, how did they even know I'm in Greenville? How did they know

of my involvement with Isabel?

I have so many —uestions.

"s I get to the station, I see …onny standing outside. Ee has an

envelope in his hand.

D"XLR YIXE 1F L*'; U…OXEL… 7”7

?Eey, manP? I greet him e8citedly. ?Eeard you won a bet. I hope it's enough to get me a beer,? I tease.

?Ea ha haz I got you, buddy. Fou know it wasn't luck, rightH I read your Sle cover to cover before you joined us here,? he says, winking.

?1y manP? I say, hitting his chest playfully.

?"nyways, this envelope was just delivered- it has your name on it,? he stretches the envelope to me, and I collect it.

What could be in it?

?Xhanks for this,? I say, waving the envelope as we enter the station.

I reach my desk and open the envelope. Xhere is a letter in it0a handwritten one.


Hey, son,

You've been ignoring my calls for days now; I had no choice but to

write to you.

I'm waiting for you to do the right thing, and everyone will be safe,

including Isabel and Octavia. If not, more men will come for them, and

it won't be from a distance this time.

I'll be expecting you by dawn tomorrow.

See you soon, son.


"Yhat the fuckH? I say out loud without reali9ing it, earning some head turns in my direction.

Does he know them?

Ee was the one behind the stalking, after all.


Shit! Shit! Shit!

" Tashback of what he did to Xabitha comes running through my mind.

I can't let the same happen to Isabel. ;he has no one.