got away before —uestioning. Xhose guys aren't from this part of the
country. Xheir accent was very telling, very eastern seaboard. Xhe
driver's wrist had a tattoo on it. It's a very colorful bullseye,? he pauses
for a second to respond to someone speaking to him.
Xhat has come up in many of my investigations in R.C. It's the most
prominent gang symbol in the territory, but the more we arrest some
of their members, the more their network grows. It's unbelievable.Maybe this isn't my father after all.
It could be one of the members seeking revenge.
?;orry about that,? "dams apologi9es as he returns to the call. ?No problem,? I assure him.
?"lthough we couldn't Snd out what they wanted with Isabel, we discovered that the symbol is for a gang calledz?
?zXarget Creek.? I cut him ox.
?Oh, so you know themH RamnP Now I've got to pay 1ommy's boy. Ye made a bet,? he e8plains, sounding defeated.
?Feah, I did a lot of investigation about them back in R.C.,? I say. ?Uut it's always a dead end,? I pause. ?Yhere are those guys nowH I could do some —uestioning on my own.?
?Xhey made bail and left town,? he replies.
?;hitP? I e8claim.
?;o, it's you they are after, huhH? he asks.
?1ost likely,? I say, gripping my hair in frustration.
?RamnP? "dams says.
?I'll Sgure it out. I will reach out to my captain in R.C. Ee should have a promising lead,? I say.
?"nything else I can help withH? "dams asks.
?No, no. Xhank you so much. I'll be at the station soon. Lrmz waitz please don't say anything to Isabel.?
?I got you, manP? he assures.
I end the call, and the sleep in my eyes is long gone.
Why is Target Creek after me?
Yhy nowH
I look over to the other side of the bed to Snd it empty.
?Yhatz where's IsabelH? I jump ox my bed to check the bathroom, but she isn't there. I run down the hall to the guest room, and Octavia isn't there either.
?IsabelH OctaviaH IsabelH? I call their names, hoping they are in the kitchen0the one place I haven't checked. I begin to perceive the fresh aroma of coxee as I walk toward the kitchen entrance.