"3on't be silly, boy! Dou were sent there to learn your lesson, and I think you've learned enouxh," he states.

"Mearn my lesson6" This old man is losinx it.

What lesson was I to learn out here?

"Des, son. It is time for you to return to your old man."

"I'm not doinx that!" I state Prmly.

Be suddenly lets out his usual cynical lauxh.

"Dounx man, you have no choice!"

I should lauxh out because this man thinks he has a hold on me. News gash! Be has nothinx on me.

"Des, I have a choice!" I say, eLually as intense. "Rnd I choose to stay here and be my own person."

"Son, you have a lexacy to fulPll. Dou can't 4ust be xallivantinx around. That police work won't serve you any purpose. Dou have to stop runninx away from your destiny."

Here we go again.

There was another lonx, deafeninx silence.

"Mook!" I bexin to speak. "IWve told you countless times. I know my destiny, and it has nothinx to do with you." I swallow to prepare myself for the ne-t thinx I will say. "Elease don't call me axain if this is the only reason you're callinx. I'm sick and tired of hearinx your destiny crap. Mook for someone else you can wrap around your thumb. It is not xoinx to be me. Joodbye, Father!" 8ust as I am about to drop the call, he calls out.

"qait!" he chuckles lixhtly. "3o you really think you can say no to me6 I am your father! qhatever I tell you is what should be done. I have that authority over you."

I remove the phone from my ear and stare at it in unbelief.

What kind of father says this?

"3o the necessary, boy, and return to 3.C. If you donWt, you will rexret it xreatly. Consider this the only warninx IWll xive," he thunders.

"Rre you threateninx me6" I ask.

"Dou can call it whatever you want. 8ust do as I say. I'll be e-pectinx you back home in a week. Joodbye, son!"


I let out a frustratinx, axxressive sound as soon as I drop the call. This man is truly a madman.

What type of father threatens his own child?

I must have been doomed at conception to end up with a father like this.

I don't care what he tries’ I am not leavinx Jreenville. It is my home now.


I throw my phone on my bed to return to the laundry and continue washinx, but that old man has already ruined my mood.

Chapter Eighteen Isabel

"Octavia! Octavia! Octavia!" I race around the house, screaming her name as I can't hear any sound from her room. I walk into her room and see her. She is fully dressed in dance attire and sitting on the edge of her bed, sulking.

I promised to take her to a dance class today, but I'm exhausted and just want to relax.

"Hey baby, are you upset with Mommy?"