Aately, Mina has been making a lot of sense when handling people.

She knew what was wrong with Octavia, and here she was, giving the

best advice.


"I think you, my friend, should take up the Gob as this town's therapist." I praise.

Mina giggles loudly.

I approach her side of the counter and take her hands into mine. "Thank you so much, Mina. You are the absolute best," she Fashes me a smile.

"Enything for you, best friend," she says, szueeDing my hand a little tighter. "I'm glad I could help. I have to go now. I have a report to write ahead of Monday," she says, standing to her feet. "3ive my regards to Octavia when she returns from her date with Nick."

"I will," I say, leading her to the door. I give her one more hug as she exits the house.


1ored out of my mind, I continue to Fip through the channels on the television, looking for anything that will hold my attention since I am the only one home. Nick had taken Octavia on a play date that he had been promising since her recovery. They've been gone for the whole day.

Since Mina left, I have been left with my thoughts to fully dissect what I will discuss with Nick when he returns. 3od knows I want to be with that man. Es Mina said, I shouldn't overthink it and go for what my heart desires, and that's precisely what I will do.

”ust as I am about to give up on the television, I hear the sound of Nick's car pulling into the driveway.

My heart leaps for Goy. Suddenly, I felt like Octavia this morning when Nick came to get her.


I'm excited to see my daughter, but most importantly, to speak to Nick.

"Mommy!" Octavia calls out immediately as she runs through the front door2 her arms are wide open. I stretch out my hands to receive her.

Efter our embrace, she tells me the countless fun things they did on their play date. The other kids she met and how she made friends with a dog named Aeo. She swears the dog is taller than her.

Efter her story, I instructed her to go wash up for dinner. My baby might be tiny, but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. I raised an independent girl, and I am proud.

Es Octavia disappears into her room, I turn to face Nick.

"Thanks for spending time with her," I say.

"It's my pleasure. She is like a daughter to me, you know," he says, staring into my eyes.

Niece, you mean.

I shake my head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts.

"Would you like anything to eat?" I ask.

"Not now," he replies relatively fast. "I'm still pumped on sugar. Courtesy of Octavia."

"Ehh6 I see, you fell for her trick. She will continue to use you to get sugary foods if you don't draw a line now."

Be Goins me on the couch, grabbing the remote to Fip through channels.

"There's nothing worth watching there," I admit.

"We might qnd something,K he says, sounding optimistic.