This isn't healthy.

No, I'm not stopping. I love this woman and want to be with her.Then you have to tell her the truth!

I ignore the voice inside my head as I cup Isabel's face into my hands,

caressing her cheeks with my ’ngers.

Nick! Stop!!

I suddenly stop kissing her, and I pull away.

Seavily breathing, Isabel looks at me, confused.

BI'm sorry. I can't keep doing this,B I say deDectedly.

BWhyYB Isabel asks, still "ustered.

BHhere are many things you don't know about8 about me8us8

about everything, and I don't think it is fair to you for us to do this,B I try to eRplain.

BWhat is itY 4oes this have something to do with the picture you saw the other dayYB she questions.

BUeah, kind of, BI mutter.


BHhen tell me what eRactly it is that is bothering you. I've already told you xctavia's dad was Dust a oneTnight stand. I never saw him again after that one night we got together,B she eRplains.

BWas that all he was to youYB I inquire.

Ehe opens her mouth to answer but stops abruptly. Ehe lets out a deep sigh.

B3ook, I was young and naive. Se was nice, charming, and charisT matic. I thought I had fallen in love and found the one. Hurns out he only wanted to sleep with me,B she looks at me to see my reaction.

Did my brother lie to get her in bed?

Doesn't sound very much like the person he was. He was an honorable man.

Ehe continues, BI regret my actions that day, but I don't regret having xctavia. Ehe is my world.B

BI know that,B I say. BSow am I going to say thisYB I ask rhetorically. Euddenly, my palms begin to feel sweaty and shaky. I'm beyond nerT vous and don't know how to present the issue before her.

Bust tell me what-s going on, Nick,B she demands.

Just say it!


Say it!

BWhat8what I'm trying to8 to say8 is that8B

Fuck! Why is it so hard?

Fucking say it!

B3ouis is my brother,B I spit in a breath, closing my eyes as if eRpectT ing an impact. I open them to see Isabel's face has gone pale.