?Xou must be Bina. I've heard so much about you,? he says.
Bina doesn't respond. Fhe just stands there like a damn rag doll.
I pinch her a little, and she comes back to the present.
?Forry, yeah.. yeah2 I'm Bina. 0est friend to your girlfriend,? she jokes, earning a chuckle from Nick. ?It's nice to put a face to your name Enally. Isabel doesn’t stop talking about you.?
I pinch her arm again.
?NickY? !ctavia comes dashing back into the living room. Fhe runs to him with her arms wide open. Nick picks her up and spins her around. !ctavia giggles happily. I see him wince ever so slightly, and I make a mental note to ask him how his shoulder feels this morning.
?…id you just awwive, NickD? !ctavia asks.
?Hmmm...? Nick looks to me for answers.
?No, sweets. Nick spent the night here,? I say to !ctavia, taking her away from Nick's arms.
?…oes he live with us nowD? she asks eScitedly.
?No,? I reply, and her face frowns.
?Xou're Bommy's boyfwend; you should live with us,? !ctavia tells Nick.
Bina and Nick chuckle.
I am shocked at !ctavia's words. How did she know all thisD
?Who told you Nick is my boyfriendD? I ask !ctavia.
?Munty Bina said it in the car,? she innocently pointed at Bina.
I glare at Bina, but she simply turns and walks away as if she’s heard nothing.
?I have to use the bathroom,? she says as she disappears into the hall.
?BommyD Is Nick your boyfwendD I want him to be your boyfwend. Xou never have any boyfwend, and I have one,? !ctavia says.
I can't even believe the words coming from my daughter's mouth. Nick is just ama7ed she has him holding back a 5ood of laughter.
?!ctavia, you have a boyfriendD? I ask.
?XesY? she says, smiling.
?WhoD? I ask, looking confused.
?Johnson in my class. I told him yesterday to be my boyfwend,? she says proudly.
?Uike mother like daughter,? Nick whispers in my ear, chuckling as he walks into the kitchen.
?Where are you goingD? I ask.
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?To make us breakfast,? he says.
?I want to helpY? !ctavia says, running after him, and they both disappear into the kitchen.
I sit down and let out a deep breath.