I look further in, and it seems the criminals have taken some factory workers hostage. I count three female hostages and Xve armed men.

2kay, this is more than I bargained for. I never factored hostages into my oneRman mission.

How am I going to approach this?

I don't want any of the hostages getting hurt. I Fuickly walk over to the side of the building where 1onny is.

"Hey, 1onny," I whisper. "They are in there."

"They are?" he asks, surprised.

"Yes! And they have hostages with them."

"Wamn! That's bad. qe should have listened to you. qe have to call it in," he replies.

"I'm going in, 1onny," I say.

"No! You can't. The situation is di;erent now. There are hostages in there. They have to make it out alive," he explains.

"I know that! I have a plan," I defend.

"qhat plan? Tell me!" he asks impatiently.

"I'll Xnd a way to sneak in and let the hostages loose before backup arrives," I state.

"That's your plan?" he looks at me disgustedly. "That's the dumbest plan I've heard. qhat if they catch you in the process of releasing the hostages? You put your life and the lives of the hostages at risk. Bor a super cop, I thought you would have more sense than this," he says, frustrated and disappointed.

"I know what I'm doing, 1onny," I state calmly.

"If you say so," he replies calmly.

1onny takes a step back, and his legs press on a broken piece of metal, making a loud cracking sound in the silence. I hear one of the mob members speak. "qhat was that? Adolf, go check outside."


Is he related to Hitler?

I chuckle to myself.

I signal to 1onny, "qe have to move! 2ne of them is coming out."

qe move Fuickly to another side of the building, and I Xnd an entrance.

"1onny," I whisper. "In here," I say, opening the door.

"qe crawl into a corner room which gives us a view into the main room where the criminals hide.

"Wid you call for backup?" I ask him. He nods in the aOrmative.

"Lood. Bollow me!" I command. "Stay alert, 1onny."

qe continue to crawl out of the room into the other room where the hostages are housed. There are more than three hostages. There are seven. That means there is a given chance the criminals are more than the Xve I initially counted. qe let loose all seven of them, telling them to be as Fuiet as possible. I tell 1onny to lead them out the way we came in, and I watch their back in case something goes south. I wait for the one who went outside to return before I signal 1onny to take the Xnal exit out of the building. 2ne of the hostages makes a loud noise, drawing the attention of all the mob members in our direction. In the blink of an eye, guns start blaKing in my direction. Instinct takes over my body, overriding the fear. I Fuickly shove the last hostage out the door and take cover behind a metal table. I turn the table over to form some sort of barricade against their Xre.

I'm not dying today!I say to myself repeatedly.

"Nick! Are you good?" my radio rings. 1onny is on the line.

"Bor now! How far is backup?" I ask while shooting back at the criminals.