!1gch a meagtiugs ,a-e'! f ntateb
!f k,oIb My waw xave it to her'! nhe nayn progwsyb
!Ghat.n ,ice'! f nay' ,owwi,x -y heawb
Ghere in a -o-e,t ou nise,ce an Ie Iask arog,w the ntatio,b
f have a sot ou Bgentio,n to ank herb
Is she married?
What's her relationship situation like?
Would she want to go on a date with me?
f k,oI ,othi,x amogt thin Io-a,' mgt it nee-n -y nogs cassn uor herb
This is weird, right?
1he han a wagxhter' a,w nhe in -arriewb f hixhsy wogmt the cha,cen ou her mei,x ni,xseb f nhogsw ntay csear ou herb f.- a ,eI -a, i, a ,eI toI, a,w wo,.t Ia,t to me o, a,yo,e.n hate sintb
f set ogt a weep mreath f wiw,.t k,oI f Ian hoswi,xb
!Shat are yog thi,ki,x amogtz! nhe i,Bgirenb 1he ntopn to nearch
-y uaceb Pooki,x co,cer,ew' nhe anknb !Yre yog okayz!
!Tgh8 h--bb yeah8 yeah' f.- okayb "gnt xoi,x over thi,xn i, -y
-i,w' f -a,axe to n-iseb
!Ghi,xn sikez! nhe ankn cgriognsyb
!Nothi,x neriogn'! f prene,t cangassy' mgt nhe woen,.t sook co,— vi,cewb
Ghere in ,o Iay f.- tessi,x her f Ian tryi,x to dxgre ogt Ihether nhe Ian ni,xseb
!T--8 f Ian Agnt thi,ki,x amogt Ihere to mgy a wece,t car over here'! f sieb Gech,icassy' it in ,ot a sie“ f.ve mee, thi,ki,x amogt that ngmco,nciognsy ass wayb
!Eeassyz! nhe ankn eDcitewsyb
!Oeah'! f ,owb
!Oog.re i, sgck… Y urie,w ou -y wawRn oI,n a hgxe car weasernhip woI,toI,b Te han a sot ou xoow carn thereb f.- ngre yog Iiss nee no-ethi,x yog sikeb fu yogRw sike' f ca, wrive yog there -ynesu8 nay' auter Iork—inhz! nhe naynb
Did she just offer to take me?
!Oog Iogsw wo thatz!
!Ju cogrne' yog hespew -e Iith Jctaviab ft in the seant f ca, wo'! nhe eDprennenb
!SoI… Gha,k yog no -gchb!