For god sake! Why is he this handsome?

Should I offer to take him to Tony's?

Should I ask him on a date?

Isn't that too forward?

He is just here for business. I doubt he would be interested.

There is no way a handsome man like him is single. No way!

I shake my head subtly to get rid of the thoughts in my head.

"I see! Welcome to Greenville. I hope you enLoy your stay," I say, hoping my face doesn't turn red when he smiles again. I then go on to describe the grocery store to him. Octavia and I say our goodbyes and continue our shopping.

Damn! He's fine.

Chapter Five Nick

My olcias drnt way at thin ,eI preci,ct i, thin ,eI toI, in toway' a,w f wo,.t k,oI hoI to ueesb f wo,.t thi,k f ca, retgr, to mei,x o, patrosb f have,.t wo,e that i, as-ont niD yearnb

f -awe peace Iith the ntg,t -y uather pgssew' wirty an it Ianb f npe,t the Ieeke,w nettsi,x i,to thin resativesy n-ass toI,b ft in no wiqer— e,t uro- HbCb f xgenn that the cri-e rate here Iiss me a Bgarter’iu that’ou Ihat f Ian gnew to mack ho-eb f k,oI that.n -y uather.n psa,b Te Ia,tn to urgntrate -e' no f xive gp a,w rg, to hi-b Te in that pettyb jgt an so,x an f sive' that in ,ever xoi,x to happe,b f have a psa, uor -y siue a,w career' o,e thatRn xoow uor -e' a,w f Iiss ntick to it ,o -atter Ihatb f k,oI the weck in ntackew axai,nt -e' mgt pgss throgxhb

Ghe preci,ct here Ian ki,w e,ogxh to hesp -e Iith the apart-e,t hg,ti,xb f wo,.t k,oI hoI f Iogsw have Bgicksy ,avixatew xetti,x a, apart-e,t aso,eb Ghe apart-e,t in n-ass mgt wece,tb ft han a machesor.n paw vime' a,w f.- wixxi,x itb f Ian tosw the necretary at the preci,ct hespew -e xet thin apart-e,tb f haw ,o iwea that Iogsw me part ou their Aom wencriptio,b Eexarwsenn' f have to tha,k Ihoever it in Ihe, f xet to the ntatio,b f -ake a -e,tas ,oteb

f psa, to xet there earsy ni,ce itRn the drnt wayb f Ia,t to -ake a xoow i-prennio,b Wow o,sy k,oIn Ihat mee, tosw amogt -y ngwwe, tra,nuerb

f ross oq the nBgeaky mew that ca-e Iith the apart-e,t a,w wanh i,to the mathroo- to nhoIerb f, ,o ti-e' f.- wo,e nhoIeri,x a,w wrennewb f have,.t xotte, a g,iuor- yet' no f chone a Ihite nhirt a,w msack pa,tn to sook olciasb f co,niwer a tie' mgt f thi,k it Iiss sook too ann—kinnyb

J, -y Iay ogt the woor' f xram a, appse uro- a moIs i, -y kitche,b f -ake it ogtniwe the mgiswi,x meuore f ntart to -g,ch o, the appse' a,w an f wo' thogxhtn ou the meagtiugs sawy f naI at the -ass i,vawe

-y -i,wb 1he Ian ntg,,i,x Iithogt tryi,xb Ter i,,oce,t mroI, eyen that nparksew axai,nt the -ass.n ?gorence,t sixhti,x sookew -axicas a,w e,cha,ti,xb f wo,.t thi,k f haw nee, a,yo,e that ponnennew ngch meagty meuoreb 1he Ian i,weew mreathtaki,xb f.- ngre nhe han a, i,crewimse heart' too' Agwxi,x my her resatio,nhip Iith her wagxhterb Ter hgn— ma,w in a uortg,ate -a,b f Iinh f haw a so,xer co,vernatio, Iith herb f wiw,.t eve, xet her ,a-eb "gnt the ,a-e ou her chisw' Jctaviab ft.n ngch a pretty ,a-eb Mayme rg, i,to the- no-ewayb

f nta,w my the niwe ou the roaw' Iaiti,x uor -y Lmer to pgss gp’a,— other -e,tas ,ote to -akeb f ,eew to xet a carb Ghe cam pgssn gp a,w ntopn meniwe -eb f xet i,' a,w Ie wrive to the ntatio,b

f, the nhort 52—-i,gte wrive to the ntatio,' f xot a,other' asmeit mrieu' togr ou the toI,b f nta,w i, uro,t ou the mgiswi,x' taki,x i, the ntrgctgreb ft sookn dtti,x uor a socas posice ntatio,b f.- a sittse mit heni— ta,t to e,ter the mgiswi,xb Ghe other posice -ixht ,ot me Iesco-i,xb ftRn harw to nay hoI tixht ou a xrogp theyRss meb ToI wo f weas Iith thatz

!XsIoowz! Y ntra,xer cassn -y ,a-eb f tgr, i, the wirectio, a,w nee a uessoI posice olcer' promamsy i, hin sate uortien Iith a mix osw meer messy hoswi,x a max ou wo,gtn a,w a ?at ou coqee' n-isi,x at -eb

Very on-brand.


f sook at hi-' pg33sew an to hoI he k,oIn -y ,a-eb jgt f -a,axe to n-ise ntissb

It's all about making an excellent first impression.

!Ti… f.- Yspha'! he nayn an he csi-mn the nhort ntairn to Aoi, -e o, the top pave-e,t ou the ntatio, e,tra,ceb

Alpha? What a unique name.

f ntare at hi-' Io,weri,x iu f nhogsw i,trowgce -ynesu axai, ni,ce he asreawy k,oIn -y ,a-eb

ft nee-n he ,oticen -y co,ugnio,b !Jh… Ho,.t Iorry' -a,' Ie ass k,oI co-i,xb 6eopse raresy xet tra,nuerrew to thin preci,ct' enpeciassy yog,x -e, sike yogb 1o Ie Iere ass cgriogn a,w revieIew yogr dseb! Te n-isen i,,oce,tsyb

They've all gone over my file. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

f.- ngre they Iiss have uor-ew their opi,io,n manew o, reawi,x thatb Ghe uact that fR- g,wer i,ventixatio, i, HbCb in promamsy co--o, k,oIsewxeb