I drop the call and face my baby girl.
"Are you ready to go?" I ask.
"Yes! It's shopping day!" Octavia says excitedly.
"Alrighty, baby girl, let's go shopping," I say as I grab my purse and lead Octavia to the car.
In the car, we sing songs as we drive to the Commons. Shopping days are Octavia's favorite. She is always excited about everything. 4p until last year, my dad always Loined our shopping days. Anything Octavia wanted, he would get it for her. He spoiled her, no doubt about it. jo matter how much I cautioned him that he spent too much on her, he would say, "She's my only grandchild5 she deserves to be treated like the princess she is." I couldn't come in between Octavia and her grandfather. Their love for each other was so strong it scared me when he fell ill. We knew the inevitable was coming, but Octavia didn't understand it. So many nights, she would cry, wanting to see her grandfather, but he was in the hospital. Getting her to leave was a struggle when we visited because she always wanted to be by her grandfather's side. When he passed, I was scared for Octavia because we had lost the only male *gure in our lives.
Surprisingly, Octavia didn't react negatively to his death. While I fought back tears telling her that he had passed, she was mature about it, telling me she knew he was with the angels but would continue living on in our hearts. Her strength gave me the strength to carry on.
She told me they had discussed how Grandpa would Loin the angels soon, so she wasn't so sad.
Being Octavia’s mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me, no matter the circumstances surrounding her creation. I love her so much. There is so much wisdom packed inside such a tiny person.
"We are here!" Octavia squeaks excitedly as she bounces up and down in her seat. "Mommy! We are here." Her loud, excited voice pierced my ears.
"I hear ya, baby girl. Calm down," I laugh softly while *nding a spot to park. I turn oN the ignition as I get out to grab my daughter and our shopping bags. Octavia always insists I bring one because her grandfather always carried one. He would always say spending extra money on new ones is outrageous. We can always bring our own.
"Mommy, let me carry the bag, please!" Octavia pleads while Lumping up and down.
I hand over the shopping bag as she continues to hop excitedly as we enter the mall.
"Do you think we should get these?" I ask Octavia while I admire the enormous strawberry-scented candle before me. I heard no reply from Octavia. "Gummy Bear, what do you think?" I ask again, lifting the candle from the shelf to show Octavia. I see no trace of her as I turn toward the direction she stood in a few seconds ago. "Octavia?" I call out. I put the candle back on the shelf before walking further down the aisle. "Octavia!" I keep calling out my daughter's name. I still don't see her as I walk around the mall.
I can't help the panic I begin to feel. My palms suddenly start to itch and sweat. I try to maintain my cool, but I don't even know when tears gather around my eyes. I ask everyone I come in contact with if they've seen my daughter as I describe her to them. "Excuse me, have you seen a little girl pass around here? She is about four years old with a dark blond ponytail. She is wearing a pink t-shirt and white shorts," I question with a shaky voice. Most of them show compassion on their faces, but none of them claim to have seen her. My heart is beating in the most terrifying way I’ve ever experienced. A sweet middle-aged woman advises me to report to the mall's security. "They should be able to help you *nd her faster," she says. I thank her as I head to one of the security stations.
Where did Octavia run off to? Did someone grab her? Oh God! I am so stupid. I should have held her hand.
This has never happened to me before. I don't even know what to
do in this situation.
"Excuse me! ;lease, I need your help," I say to a tall, dark, mid
dle-aged guard at the mall entrance.
"How can I be of help, ma'am?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I'm looking for my daughter." My voice is shaky now, and I can't
hold back the tears. "We were in the candles section of the department
store. One minute she was there with me and the next I didn't see her
again. I walked around the mall searching for her, but I couldn't *nd
her. What if someone has taken my baby girl? ;lease, O9cer, help me
*nd my child," I plead as tears stream down my eyes. The thought of
somebody grabbing Octavia and never seeing her makes me panic. "Don't worry, ma'am. We will get her back. She most likely Lust
wandered oN. Happens all the time," he says, trying to comfort me. FATED WITH MY EX'S BROTHER 3…
"Uet's go to the back room to check out the cameras. I'll alert other security o9cers to keep their eyes out," he assures. "Can you describe your daughter and what she is wearing so they know what their focus is?" he asks as he leads me toward the backroom entrance.
As I describe Octavia to him, the corner of my eyes catches the back view of a child who looks like Octavia, holding a man's hand.