I do not pity the manL I Snow he is evil from the little I heard about him. No, to an e—tent, I began to picS up pieces on why HicS left. 1nly then did it start to maSe sense.

I looS at Eave, XinaDs boyfriend, who came to the parS to discuss his proposal plans for Xina with me.

-ow time FiesL four months after HicS left, Xina stumbled into our middle school classmate, Eave, who moved bacS into town. They used to be very close bacS then, but they lost contact over the years. Neeing each other again ignited old Fames, which became love and almost the start of a family.

Xina knally knding her own person gave me qoy, and it helped me Seep going without having HicS around.

1ctavia was surprisingly mature about it, and she Sept assuring me that HicS would soon be bacS because he had told her that.

-onestly, I believed and hoped that he would return before the end of the krst si— months, but it didnDt taSe long before I lost all hope and focused on developing myself.

’;’ -MéMH OéUXM

Eave stares bacS and forth between HicS and me, looSing at us in the utmost confusion.

HicS walSs closer, and I can feel him glaring at Eave.

-e has no reason toL he was the one who left.

"-i, Isabel," he says nervously. I looS down at his hands to see them shaSing nervously.

"-ey," I respond, unsure what else to sayL I introduce Eave to HicS.

-e is almost dismissive of Eave.

Wnd I Snow why.

I …uicSly add, "Eave is XinaDs soon'to'be kanc?."

HicSDs face transports from downcast to full of hope again. -e smiles this time and greets Eave generously.


I tell Eave to e—cuse us so HicS and I can speaS.

Ws soon as Eave leaves, HicS begins to speaS.

"Isabel, I donDt Snow where to begin," he taSes a step forward, but I move bacS. -e gets the gist and remains where he is. "IDm so sorry, IsabelK IK IK should haveK" he stammers.

"Norry about what e—actly, HicS3" I say, cutting him oz.

"-mmmK erm.. for leaving, breaSing my promise, and breaSing your heart," he tries to e—plain. "I was put in a very tight position with an ultimatum which involved putting you in harmDs way. I chose to walS away to protect you and 1ctavia."

"Bou donDt get it, do you3" I asS. "I canDt be mad at your reason for leaving, but some conte—t and information could have helped," I state point blanS.

"Isabel, I didnDt want you to worry or panic, especially after seeing you in the stalSer situation. It broSe my heart when I discovered my father was behind the stalSers. I had to walS away to Seep you safe. 4nowing what my father was capable of, I am glad I didnDt put up xWTME YIT- XB MRDN O21T-M2 ’;G

a kght because I never would have forgiven myself if anything had happened to 1ctavia or you," he e—plains.

"HicS, I understand all that. Out the least you could have done was say something to me. Bou are leaving without a proper goodbyeKwell, it felt liSe you died. 1ne minute, youjre here, and the ne—t, youjre not," I e—press.

"I am a cowardL I Snow and should have done better. Isabel, IDm so sorry. I was qust too scared of that man."

"I get that. I heard from the news that he has been locSed up3" I asS.

"Beah," HicS says, looSing down at his feet. I can tell he is searching for what to say ne—t. There is this awSward silence in the air.

I can see that he has gone through a lot in the last few years. I canDt even imagine what he went through with the allegations against his father.