?Hey, BinaY? I reply.
?Hey, Bommy,? I hear !ctavia in the background, jumping up eScitedly, I presume.
?Mre you on your wayD? Bina asks.
?Nope,? I say.
?Xou still at the station at this timeD? she questions.
?Xeah, but I'm heading home soon. Can !ctavia stay the night with you, thoughD? I ask.
?WhyD? Bore questions to come from Bina.
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?0ecause I'm having company over,? I say, smiling sheepishly like a damn teenager.
?CompanyD That's newY Who are you having overD Is it the blonde masculine man you won't shut up aboutD? Bina throws so many questions.
?Xes,? I giggle.
?Ohhh2 that's niceY 1inally told him you like him, huhD? she inquires.
?Well, we both kinda did,? I say, still giggling.
?Come on, Isabel, I need detailsY? she snaps.
?I'll tell you about it when you drop !ctavia oA tomorrow. Can I talk to her nowD?
?VromiseD? I can tell she's pouting.
?VromiseY? I laugh. ?Xou are such a child.?
I speak with !ctavia; she tells me about her day, and I run through our bedtime routine when she stays with Bina. I can tell she’s getting tired, so I tell her I love her once more and then hang up.
I pack my things from the oLce and meet Nick at his desk.
?Mll setD? I ask, standing at the doorway.
Mfter our moment, Nick had to write his report about busting the mob. The precinct is kind of busy tonight. The feds are on the ground, and some day-shift oLcers are still there.
?Mlmost. I've submitted my report, but need to clear my desk. I'll meet you up front,? he winks.
No matter how much he does it, my heart still leaps whenever he winks at me.
Mn hour later, we are cuddled up on my couch, watching Tz and sipping an eSpensive red wine Bina bought for me last year. I hadn’t had any reason to open it, but tonight, there was deEnitely a reason. I am starting a relationship with someone I adore and am proud to call my own.
Uaying here on his chest is something I never want to stop doing. Uistening to the rhythmic beating of his heart is therapeutic. The occasional kisses he plants on my hair or knuckles send tingles all over my body. I don't know how much longer I can keep my clothes on. I want his hands all over me, admiring every inch of my body. I'm eScited about the thought of it happening tonight.
0ut on the 5ip side, I'm scared I won't be able to satisfy him because
I don't know what to do. I've not had seS with anyone since Uouis. ?I can't believe you are in my arms. I’m afraid you will disappear if
I close my eyes.? Nick says.
I sit up and stare into his eyes. ?I am here. This is real,? I say, stroking