"As soon as we get the green light, we move into Dackson Wrive. Ge alert, keep your head on a swivel, and get strapped. qe’ll move soon," the chief concludes.

"Yes, sir!" we chorus again as we watch him depart to his oOce.

"I'm sure this is going to be exciting for you," Adams says, hitting me on my shoulder playfully.

"You betcha," I reply, smiling.

"It is exciting for me, too," 1onny joins in. "I am excited to see you in the Xeld. See Xrsthand why they call you a beast in W.C.," he chuckles.

"Yeah, that's right! qe're going to see what you're made of," Adams adds.

"You've got to be careful now. Won't hype me too much. qe don't know what we will meet out there," I say.

"Spoken like a humble man," 1onny rolls his eyes. "Can you please have a fault? You’re making the rest of us look bad," he says dramatiR cally.

qe all laugh as we make our way to the weapons' arsenal. qe get strapped and are ready to go. The chief calls on us, and all seven of us start to make our way to the police van we haven't used since I arrived. Dust before I leave the station, I see Isabel with the receptionist, 8rs. Uawson.


"Hey, hot stove," 8rs. Uawson greets. I've gotten used to her calling me that. It has grown on me. "Lood luck out there," she says before excusing herself.

I walk up to Isabel.

"Are you going to wish your buddy luck?" I say playfully. "You don't need it. I know you will do good out there," she stares

into my eyes with a smile.

"That conXdent in me, huh?" I ask, still teasing.

"Yes," she replies.

"Nick! qe've got to move!" 1onny calls out.

"1ight behind you, buddy!" I reply. I turn back to Isabel. "I've got

to go. I’ll see you in a bit," I say, winking at her. She blushes. Dust as I turn to leave, she grabs my hand and pulls me into an embrace. "-lease be careful," she whispers in my ear, sending tingles down my spine. I am so addicted to her scent.

"Always am," I say, pecking her forehead before dashing o; to join the guys.

I have to make time to tell her how I feel.


In thirty minutes, we reach Dackson Wrive. I’m grateful for the extra manpower from the department, especially the couple of guys with SqAT and hostile takedown experience. Intel has it that they are hidden in a mechanic workshop. After setting up a perimeter, we burst into the place, systematically clearing each room, but they were nowhere to be found. They must have known we were coming. qe headed out and began to search every sFuare inch of Dackson Wrive.

Bor almost an hour, we split up into teams of two, going door to door to check if they'd hidden themselves in people's homes.

"Yo! Goss calls for a fallback," Adams, who is paired with me, tells me as we exit one of the homes.

"qhy? Have they been caught?" I ask.

"I wouldn't know, but it's getting dark," he replies.

"That doesn't matter. qe don’t catch them today. Their trail will go cold tomorrow," I explain.

"Then, that would be another town's problem," Adams says nonR chalantly.

"I can't believe you just said that. qhat if they hurt someone? The longer they’re out there, the more citiKens are at risk. qe can't take issues like this lightly," I state.