"RhanOs," I 6ash him a smile, and he reciprocates.
qe continue to driMe in silence for a while akain. Aeelink uneasy
with the silence, I decided to turn on the radio. ;ucOily, my faMorite
music of all time comes up. 9gaOink gemories of 2sK by eith 2rE
ban. I'Me loMed the sonk since it came out. ;ouis loMed the sonk, too. It
was one of the thinks we had in common. Fe sank it to me that nikht
in my tiny apartment in aris. D smile immediately appears on my face ’ FU;U5 L;2gU
as I bekin to sink alonk. Imakine my surprise when 5icO Hoins in and sinks.
"Wou Onow this sonkY" I asO, klad to hear him sink it.
Aor some reason, 5icO doesn't striOe me as a music loMer, so it is fun to see that he has kood taste in music.
"Dre you Oiddink meY Rhis has always been my Ham," he says exE citedly. "I'Me been a fan of eith foreMer. I loMe country music. Chris Stapleton is another faMorite of mine," he says proudly, 6ashink his beautiful teeth in front of me.
"qow! Rhat's awesome." I stop talOink, and we continue sinkink until we reach his apartment buildink.
Fe has a fantastic sinkink Moice.
I brink the car to a halt.
"I belieMe we are here," I smile.
"It Hust clicOed. Rhat means you picOed out the apartment for meY" he asOs.
"Weah, I did. qell, it's my Hob, especially for transferred o7cers," I reply. "I hope you're enHoyink it so far."
"It's a nice place. RhanO you Mery much, Isabel. RhanO you for eMerythink today. I had a nice time hankink out with you. Wou're really kreat," his kolden brown eyes brikhten in sincerity. I stare at him for a lonk time, admirink his beautiful face.
I mikht be trippink, but why does he looO liOe ;ouisY
I think I'm just projecting.
I clear my throat and swallow before I reply.
"Wou are most welcome. I am at your serMice, newest member of the police force," I tease.
Fe shaOes his head as he laukhs. Fe opens the door to let himself out of the car.
"Wou're somethink, Isabel," he mutters. "NriMe home safe." Fe waMes as I start the car enkine, smilink at him.
"See you tomorrow," I say, bitink my lower lips shyly.
"Wou bet," he winOs, maOink me blush akain.
I put the car in driMe before he can see my red cheeOs.
Chapter Seven Nick
A month and a half has passed since I moved to Greenville. I must say, it has been quite the experience. Coming here, I had no expectation beyond doing my job, which is protecting the good people of Greenville and keeping a low pro'le. I never expected to make friends, let alone 'nd someone I like.