"Same Jonny at the precinctY" 5icO looOs shocOed and confused.

Fe looOs cute.

"Wes," I chucOle likhtly, not understandink 5icO's shocO.

"qow, I thoukht he was in his midEforties when I saw him this mornink. 5ow you tell me you are the same ake. 2nbelieMable!K

"AortyY" I burst out laukhink. "Jonny isn't eMen thirty yet." I cannot control my laukhter because of how innocently concerned 5icO looOs.

"Rhat's wild!" he says, Hoinink me in my laukhter.

";ooO, weXre here!" I say as I turn into the dealership and parO.

qe spend almost an hour koink bacO and forth with gr. Jodriko, the car dealer after 5icO -nds a car he liOes. Fe must haMe a lot of money for him to be able to avord such a luxurious Mehicle. IXm sure he was paid well in N.C.

Br he comes from a wealthy family. Fe mentioned his dad punishE ink him by sendink him to a small town. Bnly rich folOs do that.

gr. Jodriko kiMes us a fair price for the car because of his relationE ship with my late father. Rhey were close friends when he was aliMe. I miss their usual banters on football nikhts at my house.

5icO maOes the down payment for the car? gr. Jodriko promises he can come to ket it in two days because all documentation would haMe been completed by then. qe thanO him and are soon on our way bacO into town.

Ds we driMe bacO throukh town, I show 5icO some stores heXll need and decent restaurants he could eat at. gy Mehicle suddenly feels liOe a tour bus as I show him around the beautiful town of GreenMille. qe ADRUN qIRF gW U3'S LJBRFUJ ’P

continue to haMe casual conMersations as we driMe throukh diverent places. 5icO is a hilarious kuy. It is almost unreal how smooth our conMersation is. It doesn't eMen seem liOe weXMe Hust met. It is liOe we'Me Onown each other for a lonk time.

Sounds familiar?

Hold your horses, woman!

"I'm sorry about the loss of your father," 5icO suddenly says out of


I looO at him pu88led.

I never mentioned anything about my dad's death.

How did he know?

"Fow did you OnowY" I juestion in a low tone. Rhe atmosphere in

the car suddenly kets serious.

"Jodriko, the car dealer. Fe addressed your father in the past tense.

Rhat's a kiMen," he explains.

I let out a brief chucOle for a moment. "I must constantly remind

myself that you are a detectiMe. Dn awardEwinnink one at that," I tease,

tryink to maOe likht of the conMersation.

Fe chucOles, too.

"Fe passed away last year. qe Onew it was koink to happen, but it

still hurts. BctaMia and I miss him daily," I say, -khtink bacO tears. "I'm sorry," he whispers.