I Hust want to stretch out my hand and help straikhten the frown folds on his face.
Jememberink that I had not said anythink, I shaOe my head brie6y and smile.
"It's -ne," I pause for a second before continuink. "Fe is not in the picture. I don't Onow his whereabouts." I try to -kht the tears buildink in my eyes. 5o matter how hard I try to ket oMer ;ouis, it still hurts when I talO about him. I mean, why am I so hunk up on a oneEnikht standY qhy would a oneEnikht stand hurt this muchY
Because it wasn't a one-night stand for you, you fell in love; there is nothing wrong with that.
Rhe Moice in my head comforts me.
I use the bacO of my hand to wipe the buildink tears away from my eyes before they drop.
I notice 5icO starink at me? he has an apoloketic looO of compasE sion as he speaOs, "I'm sorry that happened to you." Fe sounds truly sincere.
Fe kiMes the air of a true protector, and I'm not talOink about the uniform. Fe has a kood heart. I can feel it.
That was what you said about Louis, too.
Rhe Moice in my head tries to remind me.
Don't fall too fast. Get to know him first.
That's what I'm trying to do. I think we will be great friends.I shaOe my head to focus more on what 5icO is sayink. "I thinO he is a douchebak, if you asO me. qho abandons a loMely
woman and their childY It's insane," Fe sounds irritated.He thinks I'm lovely!
"RhanO you," I whisper as I manake to smile. I try to hide my face,
but it has suddenly kone red, so I chanke the topic.
"So, how was your -rst day at the stationY" I asO.
"Fmm” it was nice," he doesn't sound belieMable.
"I haMe a feelink you're hidink somethink," I say, narrowink my eyes
as I stare at him.
Fe chucOles.
"Non't ket me wronk, it was -ne. UMeryone was friendly, especially
you, and I'm krateful for that. Still, I don't thinO I can adHust from beink a detectiMe worOink some hikhEpro-le cases in a huke metropolE itan city to a rekular patrol o7cer in a much smaller community if you Onow what I mean.
"Weah” I heard about that. qhat happenedY" I asO, concerned.
";onk story” It's Hust my father? he is punishink me. ItXs a lonk story, but someday IXll tell you," he says.
Aww, he wants to share his story with me. But why would his father want to punish him?
5ow, I'm curious and resist asOink a strink of followEup juestions.
"Dlrikht then, I looO forward to future conMersations," I smile brie6y. "I Onow GreenMille is a small town with far fewer people than N.C. qe are Hust about 4z,zzz, and thatXs it. Wes! ItXs slowEpaced and juite diverent, but Hust try and taOe it a day at a time. If you need any help whatsoeMer, eMeryone at the station is ready to help. qe are one bik happy family oMer here," I looO toward him, and he nods in approMal. ’“ FU;U5 L;2gU
"Weah, you all seem pretty close," he says.
"It's a small town? eMeryone Onows eMeryone and is friends with them," I kikkle. "qould you belieMe Jonny and I krew up toketherY qe were neikhbors and classmates in elementary and hikh school," I state.