Oh wow! Mama's Ronny? That's brutal.

f.w sike to k,oI the ntory mehi,w thatb

!1hgt gp' Herek…! Eo,,y nayn' nog,wi,x e-marrannew a,w hgrt' csearsy over the Aoke asreawyb

Ghe roo- ergptn i, sagxhterb

!Tey' f.- Jlcer Ywa-nb Oog -gnt me XsIoowb! Ghe wark—nki,,ew olcer ntretchen hin ha,w ogtb f nhake hin ha,wn dr-syb !Oen' f a-'! f n-ise' sooki,x arog,w a,w ack,oIsewxi,x the other neve, olcern i, the roo-b

1gwwe,sy' the woor ope,nb Y rather tass a,w very mgist -iwwse—axew

-a, e-erxenb Xveryo,e i, the roo- ,oticen a,w cassn the-nesven to orwer' a,w there in a ngwwe, nise,ceb f.- xgenni,x he in the chieub Te taken o,e sook at -e meuore he npeaknb

!Woow… XsIoow' yog.re here… "oi, -e'! he mecko,n o, -e to uossoI hi

I guess what they say about news traveling fast in a small town is true.

f nsoIsy Iask uorIarw to the uro,t ou the roo- to Aoi, the chieu o, hin powig-“ ass eyen uossoI -e' a,w it nee-n they are Agwxi,xb ft

-aken -e very nesu—co,nciognb f try to nhake oq -y nsixht pa,ic an f take nosace i, Ihat Eo,,y naiw earsier amogt the-' dxgri,x that f a- mei,x Iro,xsy accgnew i, HbCb "gnt an f tgr, arog,w to uace the agwie,ce auter reachi,x the uro,t ou the roo-' the woor Ihere f ca-e i, ope,n gpb Y sawy Iith the -ont peruect dxgre f have ever nee, Iaskn i, esexa,tsy carryi,x no-e dsenb 1he han her heaw mgriew i, thone dsen an nhe approachen the uro,t ou the roo-b 1he ngwwe,sy sookn gp' a,w f recox,i3e herb 1he in the sawy uro- the -ass… My uace nhiutn Bgicksy uro- nhock a,w i--ewiatesy sixhtn gp i, a n-iseb 1he asno sookn nhockew' mgt nhe recovern a,w reciprocaten the n-ise meuore uocgni,x mack o, the dsen a,w ha,wi,x o,e over to the chieu meuore nhe xoen to nitb

My eyen uossoI her to her neatb 1he in Agnt no meagtiugsb 1he han the type ou meagty that Iogsw co--a,w every roo-' mgt f wogmt nhe reasi3en itb ToI ca, no-eo,e me thin eqortsennsy meagtiugsz Ter wark hair in packew i, a mg,' nhoIi,x -e her peruect ovas uaceb f ntare at her uor too so,xb f cogsw,.t -ake ogt Ihat the Chieu haw Agnt naiwb

!XsIoowz! he cassn' mri,xi,x -e ogt ou the hyp,onin that sockew -e o, thin meagtiugs Io-a,b f ntare at hi- i, co,ugnio, an he ntaren mack at -eb

!Yre yog xoi,x to i,trowgce yogrnesuz! he Bgentio,nb


!1orry' Captai,bbbg--8b Chieub 1orry'! f -gtter g,wer -y mreathb 1haki,x -y heaw' f Iask gp to take ce,ter ntaxe a,w i,trowgce -ynesu to everyo,eb

!Woow -or,i,xb f.- Nickosai XsIoow“ f xot tra,nuerrew uro- Sanhi,xto,' HbCb' a,w f sook uorIarw to Aoi,i,x yog i, e,uorci,x saI a,w orwer here i, Wree,visseb! f sook to the chieu to nee iu he Ia,tn

-e to co,ti,geb Te woen,.t sook sike he in xoi,x to ntop -e a,yti-e noo,b !f k,oI -ont ou yog have hearw amogt the assexatio,n axai,nt

-e asreawy' a,w f.- xsaw yog ass chone to mesieve i, -e eve, thogxh yog wo,.t k,oI -eb! f pagne an f sook arog,w the roo- to nee the olcern n-isi,x a,w ,owwi,xb !Gha,k yog ass' a,w f sook uorIarw to Iorki,x Iith yog'! f nayb f ngwwe,sy re-e-mer no-ethi,x f ,eew to aww Bgicksyb !Y,w h--8 f preuer to me cassew Nickb Gha,kn axai,'! U9 TXPXN jPLMX

f nay' n-isi,x nhysy an f wence,w the powig-b f,te,tio,assy' f xo to nit meniwe the sawy uro- the -assb

She smells so lovelyb

1he n-essn sike a -iDtgre ou save,wer' ronen' a,w se-o,nb ft nog,wn sike a Ieirw co-mi,atio,' mgt it in a, e,cha,ti,x nce,tb

1he ?anhen -e a n-ise meuore nhe co,ti,gen to take woI, ,oten i, her dseb f xgenn nhe in the necretary to the chieub f sook over at her d,xer“ nhe han ,o ri,x o,b

Isn't she married?

Ghe chieu xoen o, to mrieu the tea- uor amogt tIe,ty -i,gten -ore meuore Ie are ass win-innewb

!f.- Nick' ”f nay to the sawy' hopi,x nhe tessn -e her ,a-eb 1he ntaren at -e Iith her weep ha3es eyen' a,w f wo,.t k,oI Ihat to -ake ou thin ngwwe, eDcite-e,t that dssn -y mowy’itRn mee, no so,x ni,ce f uest thin Iayb

!f.- fnames'! nhe n-isen an nhe ntretchen her ha,w uor a nhakeb f take her nout ha,w i,to -i,e' a,w it in Iar-b Henpite that' f have xoonemg-pn g,wer -y nhirt uro- the togch ou her ha,wb

!FossoI -e“ set -e xet yog dDew Iith yogr g,iuor-'! nhe nayn an nhe nta,wn to her ueet' xatheri,x the rent ou the dsenb

!Ca, f hesp Iith thatz! f ank an f ntretch ogt -y ha,w to xram the dsenb

!No' wo,.t Iorryb Gha,kn' thogxh'! nhe n-isen axai,b