We head to Octavia's room, which used to be my former room when my parents were still alive. Now that they are both gone, I did some renovations and moved to their bedroom, restructured mine for Octavia, and the last room, since it is a three-bedroom 8at, is used for my closet. Other things remain the same since they are still in good shape.

I tuck Octavia into her bed, kissing her forehead.

"Would you like for me to read you a bedtime story?" I Fuestion. K HELEN BLUME

"No! Tell me a story about Daddy. I want to hear about Daddy again." Her reFuest suddenly takes me aback, but I never hide anything from my baby. "Tell me about how you and Daddy met," she giggles. I reciprocate with a smile.

"Alright, gummy bear."

I tell her a fairy tale about my meeting with Louis. This is how I want her to know her father. He is a strong man who swept her mother ox her feet.

After the story, just when Octavia starts to drift ox to sleep, she asks a Fuestion I have been dreading.

"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"

There is an awkward silence in the room as I don't know what to say to her. By the time I Gnally come up with a reasonable response, she has already fallen asleep. I kiss her on her forehead and whisper good night.

Chapter Three Nick

I might as well just go ahead and kill this man with my bare hands.He is testing me! I don't know how long he thinks he can push without retaliation. This might just be my last straw. I have always tried to overlook his brutal, petty behavior, but not this time. He is going to get a piece of my mind today. I am not holding anything back. I drive furiously down the road to my father's oAce. I am trying to keep calm, but I can't.

This is my life, my career, he’s destroying!

I won't allow that shameless old man to throw away my life. I don't understand why I need to join him in his business. I want to cut out my own niche. M sane father would have no problem with that. Mpparently, mine is insane.

Wy father started his steel and power company in Dashington, x.C., before I was born. His business started small but grew e-poU nentially beyond its initial potential, making him one of the most inSuential entrepreneurs in the Enited Ltates. He is a direct contractor to the entire Enited Ltates, supplies steel all over the country and beyond, and is one of the country's best power utility companies. To be sincere, he deserves all the accolades he can get because he is a tirelessly hardworking man. He is always on his toes where his job is concerned and doesn't take it lightly. That is why he has risen far FR HB2BN 62EWB

above his peers in the business. He has inOltrated the country's pubU lic and political sectors by sponsoring their campaigns, among many other things. ’or his business dealings, he brought his entire family on board. His brothers and sisters, cousins, uncles, and aunts. They are all involved in the business in some way. Now, he wants to drag me in. I will never allow that.

Leveral times, he has tried to meddle with my life and aYairs. It is frustrating, to say the least. He has burnt bridges that could favor me. This ruined my relationship with the only person I felt a connection to after my brother. Xight after I Onished in the police academy, I met someone, Tabitha. 7ur relationship was almost instant. De clicked right oY the bat. Weeting someone who understood me and was ready to be a part of my life was remarkable. Tabitha and I shared similar interests and goals. It was a relationship I would never take for granted. Thinking about her now brings Sashes of her elegant smile and puppy blue eyes. Dith Tabitha, I found love, and I was sure she was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.

Wy father saw that I was Onally happy and decided to rip her away from me. He would deny it to this day, but I know it was his doing. He threatened Tabitha and her family. He was ready to run their small restaurant chain to the ground, rendering her family helpless. It was challenging for Tabitha to get a job, which is very unusual for someone with her degree and achievements. Bverywhere she went, it was as if she had been blacklisted. Nobody wanted to open doors for her and risk being in my father's black book. That is how much power and inSuence he has in this town. ’eeling crippled and frustrated, Tabitha had to break it oY with me and moved far away from x.C. I haven1t heard from her since.

I was outraged and torn apart. I couldn't function for several weeks. I tried to Ogure out why my father hated me so much, but I couldn't ’MTBx DITH W" B?'L 6X7THBX Fz

understand. I was a coward then, and I regret that I couldn't stand up for myself and Tabitha. 6ut not this time. I will Oght this man until my very last breath. He is evil!

Pure evil.

I reach the front of his oAce in about qF minutes. I get out of the car without wasting time and enter the elevator without acknowledging anyone on the way. In no time, I reach his oAce Soor. I walk down the hall into his oAce, fuming. Wy hands tremble, and my palms sweat from impatience and anger. I see him in the oAce, talking on his phone and laughing like he doesn1t have a care in the world. Leeing him this way triples my rage, and I just want to rip the phone from his hands and smash it on the Soor.

I do not wait for him to get oY his call before I begin my rant.

8How dare you…8 I walk close to him, almost sure I will beat him up. He looks lost and confused.

8xon't you fucking act dumb with me right now!8 I shout.

8Lon! Need I remind you that this is a place of business… Ltop the shenanigans at once,8 his voice is thick, calm, and commanding. He doesn't look in any way fa;ed.

8I am not stopping anything until you give me a reason,8 I respond, praying that I don't buckle.

8Xeason for what…8 he 9uestions innocently, staring at me like a lunatic on the loose.

This man may have the whole world fooled, but not me.

Two can play this game, mister!

8Dhy did you do it… Dhy would you jeopardi;e your son's future because your ego is bruised… xoes it make sense to you…8 I 9uestion him without any Olter to my words.