“My finger feels lonely.” I smiled down at her and then pressed a kiss to her lips.

That was when Van handed me a little black box, he had gone to pick up with my lawyer to make sure the cops did a thorough job and didn’t fuck shit up.

Chuckling, I flipped the lid and then showed it to her, “Will this make it not seem lonely?”

“It will, when you put it on my finger,” I didn’t miss the fact that she didn’t even bother looking at the ring. No, she kept her eyes locked with mine.

Smiling, I took the ring out of the box, gathered her hand, and then slid the rock on her finger, then I pressed a kiss to it, “Forever.”

That was when Grenade stood, got in her face as soon as I sat back down, and asked with so much emotion in his tone, it broke apart, “What the fuck were you thinking Pumpkin?”

Scarlett didn’t even wince, nor did she cower, tiredly but forcefully she said, “That bitch took him from me over five years ago. I wasn’t letting her take him from me again. Besides, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. There is no me without him.”

After everyone hugged her, Van also handed me some clothes to change into since I had blood on mine.

While everyone was watching over her, I slipped out and got changed.

As I was about to step into the room, I heard my momma ask, “You’re the woman that threw yourself in front of him?” I

Then I heard my Shortcake’s reply, “Yes.”

“Honey, what were you thinking? You’re the mother of my future grandchildren. Don’t you ever do that again?”

I imagined that Scarlett wrinkled her nose when she murmured, “Umm.”

I saw my momma shake her head as I rounded the corner into the room.

Looking at Scarlett, seeing that she was still breathing, I sent my thanks to the man above for not taking her away from me.

My momma looked up and said, “Now that I see the way you look at her and she looks at you, I realize me asking you to marry Tonya was stupid. I’m glad that bitch is dead.”

Then rocking our world, she said, Y’all better get started on making me grandbabies. I love Crew, and Keeley, don’t get me wrong. But they aren’t mine.”

Chapter 21


The past six months have been some of the best of my life, yet they’ve also been some of the most tiring of my life.

Everybody and their brother were over at the house after it got released and cleaned up.

I didn’t even want to know who Cotton called in to make the blood go away.

And I wouldn’t ever ask.

I had offered to buy us a new place, but Scarlett wouldn’t hear of it.

This was our home, and no crazy ass bitch was going to take that away from us. Scarlett’s words.

Apparently, we found out why she tried to kill me.

Unbeknownst to me, she had taken a life insurance policy out. She thought I wouldn’t care about the stuff hitting the papers. So, when she lost the money, she planned to use her backup plan. Claiming the insurance money.

But she never expected Kalani to rip her apart. Literally.

Kalani had a lifetime supply of the best dog bones around and once a month a box of ribeye steaks was delivered for her.

Yes, she was spoiled. But it was so worth it.