“We don’t take well to threats from people of your kind.” the mother fucker had the balls to say to me.

That was when my brother showed up, growled, and got in front of me, chest bumping the cop out of my face, “What the fuck are you saying pig?”

“Look it’s the narrative. We are trying to do our jobs. This man ran through traffic breaking laws left and right and he has blood on his hands. This needs to be settled down at the station.”

“The way I see it, my brother wouldn’t be getting defensive if y’all had only asked him what happened,” Van growled.

Then he looked at me and smirked, “Think you need to call your lawyer. Bet when they realize who you are, they’re going to lose their jobs.”

I sighed, “Look, I’ll pay the fine for the laws I broke. But first of all, I needed to make those calls I made. It’s why I ignored you. The first was to my brother who you see before you. The second was to my woman’s father. The third was to my mother. I’ll be happy to tell you what happened, but I’m not leaving here.”

Just then there was a commotion at the front door, we all turned our heads to see what was going on. I recognized Knox, Fiona, and Novalie immediately.

Fiona smiled sadly at me, “Grenade called Cotton. We all got here as soon as we could. The brothers will be posted up outside her room to keep her safe.”

Novalie walked up to me, “Hi, Marcus. I’m so sorry about Scarlett. I’m going to go get some updates and text Cotton, so you’ll know, okay?”

I nodded, “Would hug you but had another woman’s hands on me outside the OR, don’t feel right.”

She smiled, “I got it. I’ll update you as soon as I can.”

I looked at the asshole cop who threw the racial slur, “I’d like to see a supervisor here. Immediately.”

Van piped up then, “Your lawyer is on his way.”

Daemon and Aliyah came in and apparently, upon hearing Van’s words he said, “Coach as well as the team owner is on the way.”

The other little bastard who got in my face first asked, “Team? Coach?”

Van chuckled darkly, “Yeah. Y’all are about to lose your jobs. That woman has been recording this whole thing. I can’t wait to see what your supervisor thinks once he realizes that you were racist to the number one Defensive Lineman in the National Football League. Oh, and that none of you wanted to hear the story. Y’all just wanted to arrest him and call it good.”

That was when a man in a different uniform walked over to our group, “Think I’d like to hear the story.”

The little bastard backed away immediately. His hand moved off his gun.

Smart move motherfucker.

I looked at the man who said, “My name is Alan Jones, I’m the Captain. If you can please tell us what happened, we will be out of your hair immediately.”

“Yo! Marcus!” I turned to look at Cotton, a man I met one day who was picking up Novalie as I was picking up Scarlett. “There’s a dog, looks like Kalani lying outside the OR.”

I shook my head, that dog. Yeah. Best four grand I ever fucking spent.

I nodded, “Police will want to check her for blood and inside her mouth.”

Then I looked at the Captain and sat down then braced my arms on my legs, “My woman, Scarlett McKinney, and I were at home in our bed. I’m not sure what woke us up initially but just as I asked her what time it was, we heard a squeak from the floorboard outside our bedroom. Before either of us could move, the door was opening, a woman holding a gun was lifting it up and then she pulled the trigger. My woman rolled over my body and took the bullet to her back.”

I took a sip of coffee that Van had just handed me from Fiona, “Her dog, is a protection and PTSD dog. She launched at the woman, got her down, and ripped her throat out. You can find the gun lying near her body. it’s up the stairs and to the right. You can’t miss it.”

The captain nodded and wrote stuff in his book, “And this woman. Did either of you recognize her?”

I nodded, “Yeah, it was my ex-wife, Tonya Gibbons.”

Cotton looked at me, “Got word, she coded twice on the table, and they got her back both times. She’s breathing and they are fixing her up.”

I nodded.

The captain spoke then, “We will go check out your house and take samples from the dog.